来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635239 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635239
摘 要:选择生长良好的夏黑无核植株作为供试材料,研究不同夏季修剪方法对夏黑无核花芽形成与产量的影响。结果表明在结果蔓的处理中,主梢花序以上留8节摘心,副梢留一叶摘心对夏黑无核成花最好。在营养蔓的处理中,主梢花序以上留10节摘心,副梢留1叶摘心对夏黑无核成花最好。试验初步揭示了不同夏季修剪方法对夏黑无核葡萄花芽形成与产量的影响,为进一步探讨适宜的夏季修剪对提高葡萄花芽形成与产量奠定了基础。
Effects of Summer Pruning on flower bud differentiation and fruit of Summer Black seedless
Abstract: Choosing grow-well Summer Black seedless as test material, research the influence of different method of Summer Pruning on flower bud differentiation and fruit of Summer Black seedless. The results showed that in the treatment of fruit-bearing, when leading shoots leave eight leaves, it will be the best for flower bud differentiation in the case of leaving one leave in the side shoots; In the treatment of nutrition-bearing if leading shoots leave ten leaves it will be the best for flower bud differentiation if side shoots leave one leaf.. The tests preliminary revealed the effects of different Summer Pruning on flower bud differentiation and fruit of Summer Black grapes, lay the foundation to further explore Summer Pruning on flower bud differentiation and fruit of Summer Black seedless.
Key Words: Summer Black seedless; Summer Pruning; flower bud differentiation; fruit