来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1634294 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634294
关键词 建筑设计,结构设计,结构内力计算,PKPM电算
Title The General Building Design for Lianshui County Medicine Company
The design projection for graduation is the practical teaching link of a synthesis profession instruction; instruction for design of graduation is base to the select of the program design and the produce design to expound and additional remarks. The direction of the graduation design contains the instruction of architect, structural and the calculation sheet of structural design, against every step of the design for a detailed introduce. The direction of architect introduces determination of plan ,the company of plane ,the choice of material and main points on designing cross section ;The direction of structural design introduces structural type and arrangement for structure ,estimation of section measurement ,select of material and demand during working ;In the consideration sheet of structure , choose one frame to design . It also contains the steel arrangement of stairs, foundation and canopy. Consider the effete of the space, Use the software of PKPM to structural calculate, and compare the result of PKPM with the autograph design.
Keywords Architect design , Structural design, The calculation of structure sheet, Operation of the software of PKPM
1、 大办公室 2、小办公室 3、会议室 4、活动室 5、其他:储藏室、打印室等。

目 录 38000字
1 引言 1
2 建筑设计说明 1
2.1 平面设计 3
2.2 剖面设计 4
2.3 立面设计 7
2.4 构造和建筑设计措施 8
3 结构设计说明 11
3.1 工程概况 11
3.2 设计主要依据和资料 12
3.3 主体工程设计 13
3.4 结构设计方案及布置 13
3.5 荷载计算 15
3.6 施工材料 19
3.7 施工要求及其他设计说明 19
4 结构内力计算书 19
4.1 工程概况 19
4.2 结构布置及计算简图 20
4.3 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 26
4.4 抗震计算 50
4.5 内力组合 64
5 截面设计及配筋计算书 77
5.1 框架梁的设计计算 77
5.2 框架柱截面设计计算 82
5.3 节点设计 87
5.4 现浇板的设计 87
5.5 楼梯的设计 92
5.6 基础的设计 97
6 PKPM计算书 108
结论 134
致谢 135
参考文献 136