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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16316780 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16316780

With the rapid development of industrial production, all kinds of machinery and large investment had been used,but environmental vibration and noise pollution problems have become increasingly prominent,too. Among them, the surrounding environmental vibration problem caused by the punching machine operationhas attracted attention and complaints, taking a punching machine and its adjacent light steel plant as the research object, by the method of the combination of field test and numerical simulation,the stamping machine vibration characteristics and propagation are studied, and suggest effectivemeasures for vibration isolation and has important guiding significance for effective governance to the environmental vibration problem.
The paper mainly studies the environmental vibration caused by the operation of the press,andmachine,main tasks include:
(1)Through the field test,the responses at the vibration source and the surrounding buildings were collected, and the analysisof the data provedcharacteristics and propagation of punching machine vibration and combined with the national standard,ambient vibration of surrounding buildings caused by the operation of punching machine were evaluated.
(2)Combining with the geology and design data of a punching machine, the calculation model of interaction between soil and structure is established based on SASSI2000 software, and the characteristics and propagation law of ground vibration caused by the operation of punching machine are analyzed
(3)Based on the measured and numerical results, reasonable and effective vibration isolation measures are suggested
The results show that: the effect of environmental vibration on the surrounding buildings of this kind of stamping machine running is in low frequency vibration.The propagation distance is farther, and vibration is smaller.
Although the light steel structure workshop ground vibration does not exceed the standard, but due to its proximity of the main frequency to natural frequency of the light steel structure,it is easy to cause the building vibration amplification and the problem of comfort.
The characteristics of this paper: combined with the actual engineering problems, the impact of ambient vibration of surrounding buildings caused by the operation of punching machine is proved, and the vibration characteristics and propagation law of the machine are also discussed
Key words: stamping machine; ambient vibration; acceleration response; propagation law; vibration isolation 


第一章绪论    1
1.1 研究背景及意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    2
1.3本文所做的主要工作    3
第二章冲压机床振动的实测分析    4
2.1测量对象    4
2.2振源处测点布置    5
2.3某轻钢结构厂房的测点布置    6
2.3.1窗户旁地面    6
2.3.2电梯井附近地面    7
2.3.3过道地面    8
2.4测试结果    9
2.4.1振源处的测试结果    9
2.4.2周边建筑物的测试结果    10
2.5冲压机床振动特征和传播规律    14
2.6冲压机床振动的环境影响评价    15
2.7本章小结    15
第三章冲压机床引起地面振动的数值模拟    16
3.1计算模型    16
3.1.1建立土层模型    16
3.1.2建立冲压机床基础有限元模型    17
3.1.3冲压机床基础模型参数    17
3.2输入荷载与施加方法    18
3.3 时间步长    18
3.4计算结果分析    19
3.4.1地面加速度响应    20
3.4.2地面振动频率成分    20
3.5本章小结    20
第四章建议隔振方案    21
4.1隔振方案优选    21
4.2碟形弹簧缓冲器    21
4.3硬性材料填充沟    23
4.4本章小结    23
第五章结论与展望    24
5.1结论    24
5.2展望    24
参考文献    26
致谢    28
