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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16316807 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16316807



With the continuous advancement of urbanization in China, construction sites are everywhere in the country. However, behind the seemingly prosperous surface, there is actually a problem that we easily overlook – the fire safety problem at the construction site. Once the personnel at the construction site are negligent, it is often easy to cause disasters, and the fire safety status from the construction site of China's construction projects comes. Seeing that China's construction workers generally lack the awareness of the fire risk at the construction site in terms of prevention of fire hazard at the construction site. In addition, due to insufficient treatment measures taken at the construction site, many construction sites in China have appeared. Fire safety issues should occur. To this end, this paper focuses on the analysis of the outstanding safety problems at the construction site, and puts forward effective countermeasures against these problems to reduce the occurrence of man-made disasters on the construction site.
Key words: construction site; fire safety; cause; countermeasure

1前言    1
2 施工现场消防安全的管理现状    1
2.1 施工管理混乱    1
2.2 现场人员缺乏相关的消防安全知识    2
2.3 施工现场的消防设施十分短缺    2
3 引发安全问题产生的主要原因    2
3.1 建设部门的监管不到位    2
3.2 施工人员的素质不达标    3
3.3 施工人员的错误操作    3
4 避免施工现场消防安全问题的对策    3
4.1 制定消防安全管理制度及方案    3
4.2 落实防火管理责任制    4
4.3 加强消防设施器材管理    4
4.4 重视重点防火部位管理    5
4.5 消防培训及演练    5
4.6 日常消防检查巡查    6
5 结语    6
参考文献    7
