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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1631614 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1631614

摘 要
本文通过分析国内外网上购物系统的发展现状,提出了一种利用asp技术开发网上购物系统的方案,以期达到功能强大,费用低廉,通用性强,适合我国国情的购物网站系统。文中着重论述了该系统的功能与实现、数据流程与存储、网上购物、后台管理等。在不断信息化的今天,网络已经成为人们生活不可缺少的一部分,它的出现使人能够很快的知道世界上发生的事。也可以为人们做很多的事, 所以各个领域、各个阶层都引进了计算机网络来为他们的企事业单位提高办事效益这是最平常最普遍不过的事。当然是由应用软件来实现这些功能的。随着网络的应用普及,人们也认识到网络信息的传播方便快捷等特点,网上银行、网上商店都应运而生。需求促进了技术的发展,而在这其中,ASP技术则因为可以进行复杂的数据库操作、很强的交互性以及方便用户控制管理且简便易学而备受青睐,成为当前相当热门的网络开发技术。本文首先介绍了ASP技术,使大家对ASP有更好的了解,同时也有利于更好地使用asp技术。其次,介绍了ACCESS数据库。然后,在此基础上,本文给出了饰品销售网站的概要设计,最后阐述了系统存在的问题和不足,以便于将来更好地进行改进。(毕业设计网 )

关键词:asp技术  网上购物  Access

This article through analyzes on the domestic and foreign nets the shopping system development present situation, proposed one kind operates on the hairnet using the asp technology the shopping system plan, by the time achieved function formidable, the expense is inexpensive, versatile, suits our country national condition the shopping website system. In the article elaborated on emphatically this system function and the realization, the data flow and the memory, the net the shopping, the backstage management and so on. In unceasing informationization today, the network already became the people to live an essential part, its appearance enabled the human very quick to know in the world occurred matter. Also may make very many matters for the people, therefore each domain, each social stratum all introduced the computer network to come for theirs enterprises and institutions to enhance management benefit this are most usually most generally the matter. Certainly is realizes these functions by the application software. Along with network application popularization, the people also realized waits for the characteristic to the network information dissemination convenience, on the net on the bank, the net the store all to arise at the historic moment quickly.The demand promoted the technical development, but among this, ASP technology because then may carry on the complex database operation, very strong interactive as well as the convenience user control management also simple easy to study prepares is favored, becomes the current quite popular network development technology. This article first introduced the ASP technology, enable everybody to have a better understanding to ASP, simultaneously is also advantageous to uses the asp technology well.Next, introduced the ACCESS database.Then, in this foundation, this article gave the accessories to sell the website the outline design, finally elaborated the system existence question and the insufficiency, will be advantageous for the future to make the improvement well
Keywords:asp Technology  System  Access

其他功能将在此基础上进行拓展,如网站首页的用户注册、登录及身份验证商品展示,,购物车,搜索查询,商品信息更新,饰品选购、佩带等方面的小常识等,方便客户购物。(毕业设计网 )

目    录
摘 要 3
第一章  绪论 5
第二章  开发工具及技术介绍 5
2.1 Dreamweaver 5
2.2 asp(Active Server Page) 5
2.3 Access 6
第三章  系统总体设计 6
3.1 系统结构设计 6
3.2 各模块功能 7
3.3数据库设计 7
3.4 基本流程模块图 8
第四章  详细设计 8
4.1搜集资料 8
4.2分类统计 8
4.3建立数据库 9
4.3.1会员资料表 9
4.3.2商品信息表 9
4.3.3定单表 10
4.3.4 BBS论坛(留言板) 10
4.3.5商品名称查询视图 10
4.3.6商品类型查询视图 10
(毕业设计网 )
4.3.7商品品牌查询视图 10
4.4分类录入商品信息及对应图片信息 11
4.5连接数据库 11
4.6商品展示 11
第五章  结论 14
参 考 文 献 15
谢  辞 16
