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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1631632 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1631632

摘 要
关键词:信息管理系统  信息化  成绩管理  数据库  asp
The name of our system is grade Select-Management System According to the requirements of developing, the system is mainly applied to education system which manage as the daily teaching educational administration and computeration of teachers and students. Developing grade Management System can not only reduce the presure of the staff and systematically manage the service and information, but also decrease the use of labour force, accelerate the requiring speed, improve management, speed the pace of concernad national department automated information retrieval to standardize the managements. Nowdays the universities work are miscellaneous especially in private ones. It's important to put the teachers' management on the table. Up to now, management has come into universities but not popularized. As for the teaching management, there is not a set of complete and unified system, so it's very necessary to develop a common compatible one.
    The system is wide and comprehensive in including most of the service items of teaching plans, such as grade management which refers to teaching plans, grade select-management,course management,student management and so on. In developing procedure, we pursuer the comprehensiveness and commomality of the system, so that it can not only be applied in one educational institution. In choosing the developing methods, we combine the life sycle approach and the prototype-based approach, approach in four main steps: system investigation, system analysis, system design and system implementation. AS to data design, evolutionary prototype-based approach is partialy adopted to reanalysize , redisign and reimplemate with the user's ever-increasing understanding of the system.
Keywords : management system   concernad    grade Management    ` access     asp

摘 要 2
Abstract: 3
第一章 绪论 4
1.1 系统研究的背景与意义 4
1.1.1 学期查分系统的背景分析 4
1.2  学生学期查分系统设计的目标的分析 5
1.3  学生学期查分系统的系统需求 5
第二章 系统技术以及运行环境的需求分析 6
2.1  asp技术简介 6
2.2  Access数据库简介 7
2.3  IIS简介 8
2.4  运行环境 8
第三章 学生学期查分系统总体模块设计 9
3.1  系统功能模块图 9
3.2  系统数据设计 10
第四章 详细设计 11
4.1  超级管理员模块及功能 11
4.1.1 帐号管理 11
4.1.2 学校基本信息管理 12
(毕业设计 )
4.1.3 教师基本信息管理 12
4.1.4 学生基本信息管理 12
4.1.5 其他信息 12
4.2  超级管理员模块的关键代码 12
4.3  整体组合 13
4.4  系统在调试中经常出现的问题 14
4.5  结论 14
参考文献 15
致  谢 16
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