摘 要
本文所讲的软件通过B/S架构,此架构使用方便,界面可以让设计师设计变得美观,大方。颜色选取,符合房地产公司门户网站的颜色,使人看起来神清气爽。后台使用目前后台系统管理最主流的IFRAME,是用户点击菜单不会全屏刷新,增强用户体验度。程序语言采用微软竞争其他强敌的战略开发软件ASP.NET(c#)和主流数据库中安全性最高的SQL SERVER。本系统程序采用目前中小软件的主流架构即三层架构,分数据层,业务逻辑层,表示层三层。SQL SERVER中表结构、索引设计合理,即使数量到达上百万也能轻松运行。本房地产公司门户网站,菜单合理,功能齐全,智能给分。
关键词:房地产公司门户网站,B/S架构,ASP.NET(c#),SQL SERVER
The arrival of the computer, to the whole society to bring changes to turn the world upside down. Information network, make the network information sharing. Make people's life more convenient, faster understanding of the things they want to know. Housing as a commodity, is also one of the most important parts of people basic necessities of life. Real estate information and network information combination, make people more quickly understand the real estate information.The paper said software through B/S architecture, this architecture is easy to use, interface allows designers to design beautiful, generous. Color selection, consistent with the Real Estate Company website color, make the person looks refreshed. The use of the most mainstream IFRAME system management background, is the user click the menu will not full-screen refresh, enhance the user experience degree. Programming language using Microsoft competition other enemy strategic development software ASP.NET ( c# ) and mainstream database security of the highest SQL SERVER. This software uses the present small and medium-sized software mainstream architecture that three layer architecture, the data layer, business logic layer, presentation layer, three layer. The SQL SERVER table structure, index design is reasonable, even if the number reached millions can easily run. The Real Estate Company website, the menu is reasonable, complete functions, intelligent drug branch.This paper explains the research meaning, software, system analysis, database design, software design and other steps. Introduces in detail the FTP server, IIS and SQL installation, from the development of the use of the whole process
Key words: The Real Estate Company website, B/S framework, ASP.NET ( c# ), SQL SERVER
3.2 系统总体设计

目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 概 述 1
1.1 课题研究的意义 1
1.2课题研究的目的 1
1.3 课题的可行性分析 2
第2章 软件开发的技术基础 3
2.1 C#.NET技术简介 3
2.3 SQL SERVER 介绍 5
第3章 系统分析与总体设计 7
3.1系统分析 7
3.2 系统总体设计 7
第4章 数据库设计与实现 8
4.1数据库系统分析 8
4.2 数据库逻辑设计 10
4.3数据库物理实现 11
第5章 房地产公司门户网站设计 14
5.1房地产公司门户网站的详细设计 16
5.2 系统管理说明 21
第6章 公共类与公共页面设计 23
6.1 数据库连接操作类—DB类 23
6.2 工具类DBUTILITY类 24
6.3 错误信息类和错误显示页面 25
6.4登录页面 25
总 结 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 28