摘 要
关键词:BBS社区 ASP.NET SQL数据库 用户 管理员
Design and development of the campus BBS communities under ASP.NET
In the 21st century , the network along with the technological development into invisible to people's lives , but there is a network of community not only enrich people's lives , is to let people be more closely linked up. Today, users of online communities is not limited to life, but also more in the presence of its commercial value , more and more companies use it as a platform to promote themselves , or within the enterprise and cultural exchanges . Due to the powerful online community , it is also used on campus , increasing the students' lives or to learn communication skills.
BBS community using ASP.NET and SQL database development to achieve a variety of functions of the community . The system is divided into the role of tourists, members and administrators in three different roles , and given the different functions of each role . Front module main features of the tourists and members , visitors can browse and search the posts they need in the forums , members can publish posts , and also enables modification of personal information. Background module main administrator management posts ,security management forum to achieve classification forum module
Keyword:BBS community;ASP.NET;SQL Database;User;Administrator

目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 概述 1
1.1 BBS研究背景 1
1.2课题研究的意义 2
第二章 开发环境和技术分析 3
2.1 ASP.NET介绍 3
2.2 C#语言 3
2.3 Dreamweaver8.0 3
2.4 SQL Server数据库 4
2.5开发环境的搭建 4
第三章 系统分析 5
3.1系统的需求分析 5
3.2系统的设计目标和思想 5
3.3系统的可行性分析 6
第四章 系统设计 7
4.1系统的总体框架设计 7
4.2系统的功能模块设计 9
4.3数据库分析 11
4.4数据库设计 12
4.4.1 E-R图 12
4.4.2表的设计 15
4.4.3数据流程图 17
第五章 系统的详细设计 20
5.1数据库连接 20
5.2创建系统主界面 21
5.3创建普通用户模块 23
5.3.1创建用户注册模块 23
5.3.2创建用户登录模块 24
5.3.3创建个人信息管理模块 26
5.3.4创建帖子模块 28
5.3.5创建留言模块 29
5.3.6创建搜索帖子模块 30
5.4创建管理员模块 32
5.4.1管理员登录模块 32
5.4.2管理员帖子管理模块 33
结束语 35
参考文献 36
致 谢 38