论文详细介绍了小区物业管理系统的开发思想、开发过程、主要工作和解决的技术问题。还介绍本软件经测试后的最终功能,并用图形描述了软件的模型。本软件主要以Microsoft公司的 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 和 Microsoft Aceess 2003工具开发。VS 2008能够自动生成我们所需要的界面,在许多方面我们都不必去写繁琐的代码。经过对小区物业系统进行需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析后,最终设计出系统的数据库结构。设计过程首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,最后形成用户满意的可行性系统。
关键词:小区物业;管理系统;.NET;VS2008;Access 2003
Community Property Management System
As China's economic development and urban development, residential district is increasingly becoming the mainstream of living; residential property management is for the current needs of the community came into being in this market. Computer management, property management system is for the district managers and residential customers to better engage in the property management operations and the development of management software, the software has a certain social and economic benefits of standardized management business district, improve management the level and efficiency of great significance.
Paper details the “property management system” in mind, the development process, and the principal tasks and solves technical problems. Also introduced after the software has been tested and the final features, and graphically describes the software model. This software is mainly Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Visual Studio. NET 2008 and Microsoft Aceess 2003 tool development. VS 2005 can automatically generate the interfaces we need, in many ways we have do not have to write complicated code. The property of the district conducted a needs analysis system, functional module division, database modeling, and thus designed the database structure. First of all system applications in a short time to establish a prototype, and then iterate the initial prototype of the system requirements, and constantly revised and improved customer satisfaction until the formation of the feasibility of the system.
Keywords: community property; B/S; management system

目 录
摘要 I
第一章 概述 1
1.1研究现状 1
1.2目的和意义 2
1.3 系统概述 2
第二章 数据库设计 3
2.1 概念模型分析和设计 3
2.1.1 系统的业务流程图 3
2.1.2 功能设计 3
2.1.3 系统数据库设计 4
2.1.4 各表对应的实体图 5
2.1.5 数据流图 8
2.2 逻辑模型分析和设计 10
2.2.1注册信息表: TB_ZHUCE 10
2.2.2住户信息表 TB_ZHUHU 11
2.2.3系统新闻信息表 TB_XINWEN 11
2.2.4设备维护信息表 TB_WEIHU 12
2.2.5业主投诉信息表 TB_TOUSU 12
2.2.6住户欠费信息表 TB_QIANFEI 12
2.2.7住户停车信息表 TB_HOMEPARK 13
2.2.8网站公告表 TB_BULLETIN 13
第三章 系统设计 14
3.1 功能模块具体描述 14
3.2 系统前台模块 14
3.3 系统后台功能模块 14
第四章 系统实现 16
4.1 前台各模块界面及关键代码 16
4.1.1 前台主界面 16
4.1.2 小区新闻模块 16
4.1.3 欠费通知模块 18
4.1.4设备维护查询模块 20
4.1.5欠费查询模块 22
4.1.6投诉查询模块 23
4.1.7停车查询模块 25
4.2 后台各模块界面及关键代码 27
4.2.1后台主界面 27
4.2.2欠费住户信息维护模块 27
4.2.3住房维护模块 32
4.2.4设备信息维护模块 34
4.2.5投诉信息维护模块 39
4.2.6用户管理模块 40
第五章 总结 43