关键词: 慈善信息管理系统,中国红十字会,B/S结构,SQL数据库,Asp.net
Chinese Red Cross Charity Information Management System
At present, with the rapid growth of our economy, significantly enhance the national standard of living. At the same time society in all aspects of development, on the one hand swept the global industry 4.0, so that China's social organization structure of the change, followed by the reform of social management problems; the other hand, the large amount of wealth and rapid increase , The gap between rich and poor is still expanding, to solve these problems is imminent. Public charity development in China for many years, but did not really fully popularize the public life. Therefore, this article, at the same time, puts forward some suggestions and suggestions on the construction of charity information management system of Chinese Red Cross Society in combination with the actual situation of charity management of China Red Cross.
This paper elaborates the development process of the charity information management system of the Chinese Red Cross Society in detail. The system uses the modular development idea, adopts the B / S structure, adopts the Asp .net for the system development tools, the use of SQLserver as a database, to complete the main function module building: public project module, member information module, help information module, donor information module, donor object module. At the same time for the key function module in the system to give the necessary system to run the screenshot and the original code, and the addition of detection links to achieve the synchronization of the system running test to ensure the integrity of the operation of the system and good performance. On the basis of comprehensive analysis and research on the working principle and limitations of the current charity information system, the Chinese Red Cross charity information management system has realized the core function of collecting and inquiring the charity information of the public charity, and so on. The operation is convenient and the interface is beautiful and satisfies the charity Fundamental requirements for institutional management. China Red Cross charity information management system using accurate, efficient and intelligent strategy, a perfect solution to the current main problems and improve the transparency of information on the heavy image of the Red Cross in China played an important role.
Based on the actual needs of public charity, based on the analysis of existing systems, the system follows the development process, from the overall design, to the SQLserver database implementation and to consider the background, and finally Complete the system. The last chapter of the paper summarizes the research contents, expounds his main work, points out the shortcomings of this article and the further prospect.
Key words:
Charity information management system, Chinese Red Cross, B / S structure, SQL database, Asp.net
经过研究和分析,系统功能需求具体为 6 个部分:

第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国内研究现状简介 2
1.2.2国外研究现状简介 3
1.3研究内容 3
1.4论文结构 4
第二章 系统需求分析 5
2.1 系统功能需求分析 5
2.2 系统性能需求分析 5
2.3 系统可行性分析 6
2.3.1经济可行性 6
2.3.2 社会可行性 6
2.3.3 技术可行性 6
2.4 系统需求用例分析 6
2.4.1 捐助对象管理用例 6
2.4.2 公益项目管理用例 7
2.4.3 会员管理用例 8
2.4.4 求助信息管理用例 9
2.4.5 捐赠管理用例 10
2.5 业务功能用例分析 11
2.5.1 公益项目管理业务用例 11
2.5.2 会员注册管理业务用例 11
2.5.3 捐助对象业务用例 12
2.6 系统数据流程分析 14
2.7 小结 14
第三章 系统设计 15
3.1 系统设计的原则 15
3.2 功能模块划分 15
3.3 数据库设计 16
3.3.1 数据库概念设计 16
3.3.2 数据库物理设计 16
3.4 本章小结 17
第四章 系统详细设计与实现 18
4.1 主要功能模块的实现 18
4.1.1 会员信息管理 18
4.1.2 捐助对象管理 21
4.1.3 公益项目管理 24
4.1.4 求助信息管理 25
4.1.5 捐款记录管理 28
4.1.6 在线交流管理 30
4.2 安全性的实现 31
4.3 本章小结 32
第五章 系统测试 34
5.1 软件测试概述 34
5.2 系统功能测试 34
5.3 本章小结 36
第六章 总结和展望 37
6.1 总结 37
6.2 展望 37
参考文献 38
致 谢 39