摘 要
系统采用微软集成开发工具Microsoft Visual Studio 2015,ASP.NET框架,后台编程语言采用C#语言来实现相关的程序功能,数据库采用SQL2012数据库作为整个体系的数据存储空间,开发的程序是基于B/S架构的一个企业薪酬管理系统。系统可以极大地提高公司财务方面的工作效率,在管理上也可以通过系统分析员工的薪资水平是否发放公平,有效的实现公司内部良性竞争。
The emergence of computer networks and its rapid development, the acceleration of the progress of information technology, making enterprises face numerous opportunities and dangers, and in the course of competition, for a company, the use of information is not sufficient, for the development of the times Sensitive and insensitive, they are increasingly becoming an important factor in measuring the competitiveness of a company’s market.
This system is mainly used to analyze the salary status of employees within the company. Through the statistics on performance and monthly wages, it is compared whether the employees' salary level is fair. On the other hand, the enterprise salary management system can also record the rewards and punishments of employees for each month's performance as a basis for analysing the employee's work situation so as to achieve a scientific assessment of the correctness of the salary and compensation system. Through this system, companies can adjust their compensation levels in a timely manner and improve the compensation management system.
The system adopts the Microsoft integrated development tool Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, ASP.NET framework, the background programming language adopts C# language to realize the relevant program functions, the database adopts SQL2012 database as the data storage space of the whole system, and the developed program is based on the B/S architecture. A corporate pay management system. The system can greatly improve the company's financial efficiency, and it can also systematically analyze whether the employees' salary level is fair and effectively realize the company's internal healthy competition.
Key words: Attendance management; reward and punishment management; payroll management; database; B/S archite
开发环境:Microsoft visual studio
数据库工具:SQL Server

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 项目背景 1
1.2 目的和意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 系统分析 3
2.1 可行性分析 3
2.2 需求分析 3
2.2.1 业务需求分析 3
2.2.2 用户需求分析 3
2.2.3 功能需求分析 4
2.3 业务流程图 4
2.4 数据流程图 5
2.5 数据字典 8
2.5.1数据流 8
2.5.2数据存储字典 10
2.5.3数据加工字典 11
第3章 系统设计 12
3.1 功能模块设计 12
3.2 数据库设计 13
3.2.1系统E-R图 13
3.2.2逻辑结构设计 15
3.3输入输出设计 20
3.4用户界面设计 21
3.5系统安全设计 22
第4章 系统实现 23
4.1 系统开发工具及环境 23
4.1.1ASP.NET技术框架 23
4.1.2 B/S架构 23
4.1.3数据库技术 24
4.2 系统界面实现 24
4.2.1系统登录页面 24
4.2.2用户信息模块 25
4.2.3留言管理模块 26
4.2.4考勤管理模块 28
4.2.5工资信息管理 29
4.2.6统计分析管理 31
4.2.7公告信息管理模块 32
第5章 系统测试 34
5.1测试的目的和意义 34
5.2用例测试 34
5.2.1用户登录 34
5.2.2员工信息管理 35
5.2.3工资发放 36
5.2.4系统管理 37
5.3测试结果 38
第6章 总结与展望 39
6.1总结 39
6.2展望 39
参考文献 40
致谢 42