关键词:旅游信息;ASP.Net;SQL Server 2008;数据库
Tourism integrated management system
Abstract: With the development of social productive forces, the national economy grows rapidly, and the national living standard also has a qualitative leap. The Internet has penetrated into all aspects of people's lives, and traveling around to enrich themselves is the eternal belief of young people. How to travel efficiently in such a fast-paced life is also a hot topic of discussion. Therefore, the design of tourism, transportation, hotel, integrated management system, to achieve the rapid release of information, ticket booking, hotel booking, traffic information and other functions, through the website and the information exchange between passengers to achieve efficient operation of travel. The main body of the website is a tourism website, through the analysis and investigation of some large domestic tourism websites, combined with the problems revealed by the passengers, further detailed design of the system and scientific demand analysis. This design uses ASP.NET technology, Microsoft visual studio 2017 as the development platform, SQL Server 2008 as the back-end support database connection, Windows7 as the operating system. Make the information more efficient in front of the passenger, greatly save the passenger time, at the same time using real name authentication, convenient website management, ensure the accuracy and security of the information released within the website.
Key words: tourism information; Asp.Net; SQL Server 2008. The database
用户前台模块 :
开发环境:Microsoft visual studio
数据库工具:SQL Server

目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2论文研究意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状 2
1.4系统的可行性分析 2
1.5运用的技术介绍 3
1.5.1B/S结构图表示 3
1.5.2管理系统的概念 4
1.5.3ASP.NET技术 4
1.5.4SQL Server 数据库 5
1.6设计的开发环境要求 5
2 系统需求分析 5
2.1用户功能需求分析 6
2.2系统功能需求分析 6
2.3数据库功能需求分析 7
2.4系统性能需求分析 7
3 创建项目和环境搭建 8
3.1创建项目和环境的搭建 8
3.2连接数据库的具体实现 8
4系统总体设计 10
4.1系统流程 10
4.2系统模块划分 11
4.3管理系统后台数据库设计 13
5系统详细设计 17
5.1登录界面 18
5.2会员注册界面 19
5.3景点信息管理后台界面 20
5.4酒店信息管理后台界面 23
5.5管理员登录管理界面 24
5.6 管理员账号数据界面 25
5.7游客留言界面 27
6系统的测试 28
6.1系统的测试步骤 28
6.2单元测试与集成测试 28
6.3确认测试和系统测试 28
6.4白盒测试技术和黑盒测试技术 28
6.5测试实例 28
7.设计心得 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31