E-mail is an important tool for people to communicate with each other. With the extent of the use of e-mail more and more, users of e-mail system have higher demands, Traditionally, it can only be used to send messages, receive messages .Now these simple function has been unable to meet the requirements of intelligent mail service for people. It becomes a problem to be solved that how to make the e-mail system more perfect and intelligent with new computer network technology while keeping its basic functions of sending, receiving and mail storage.
In this thesis, a Web-based e-mail system is a website system based on the .NET platform and using a form of programming technology. By discussing .NET framework and the principles of e-mail system, we analyzed the needs of e-mail system, designed 3 function modules that contains mails sending and receiving, contact management and mail management. Using the C # language, SQL Server database and Winmail tools, we built a mail system with Web client and the Winmail mail server for mails management.We achieved fuctions of user registration, login, user contact management, correspondence and mails management.
Through testing function of the system, results show that the function and performance of the system have reached the requirements of expect.Finally,we analyzed characteristics of the system, and gaveexpectationsthe lack of implementation.
Key Words:e-mail;.NET;e-mail system;SMTP protocol

目 录
第1章绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2国内外的研究现状 1
1.3课题的研究内容和目的 1
1.4本论文的章节安排 2
第2章系统设计相关技术 3
2.1邮件系统基本原理 3
2.1.1邮件收发过程 3
2.1.2电子邮件的结构及分析 3
2.2相关协议 4
2.2.1简单邮件传输协议SMTP 4
2.2.2POP3协议 4
2.3.NET平台的相关技术 4
2.3.1 Microsoft .NET Framework 4
2.3.2Visual Studio 5
2.3.3支持的语言 5
2.4 C#语言和Web窗体编程 5
2.4.1C#语言 5
2.4.2Web窗体编程 5
第3章电子邮件系统的设计 6
3.1电子邮件系统的总体设计 6
3.2邮件服务器的搭建 6
3.2.1认识Winmail 7
3.2.2服务器的搭建 7
3.3系统的功能设计 8
3.3.1用户模块 8
3.3.2电子邮件模块 10
3.4数据库设计 11
3.4.1数据库搭建和配置 11
3.4.2数据库的总体设计 12
3.4.3各个数据库表的设计 12
第4章邮件系统的测试 18
4.1功能测试 18
4.2系统性能测试 18
第5章结论 19
5.1系统的特点 19
5.2问题与展望 19
参考文献 20
致谢 21