The traditional pattern of house agency is namely the one-one pattern of a house-owner and a customer. As a result, the choices for house-owners and the customers are extremely limited, and the house market is featured with the nature of big limitation .Along with the computer technology’s soaring development ,specially the network technology development, the Internet has already permeates in almost every aspect of our work and life, which has enormously changed our traditional life style. Web-based real property agency management system, which is precisely the application of network in this field the real, is a new kind of housing market agency. It opens a more widespread market for the house-renting business, is good for managing the market and the conformity of real estate resources, and enormously facilitates the house-owner and the customer. As for the house-owner, it can make full use of the natures of openness and interaction of the network technology, can enormously facilitates the house-owner to issue the house information, and can open a more widespread market for house renting business. At the same time, regarding the customer, it can cause the customer to break through the limit of the time and the space, and in wide range searches search the house resources which best satisfies oneself. Thus, as it can be seen, the system has realized double wins for the house-owner and the customer.
Precisely according to the demand of modern property agency, for the purpose of enhancing the working efficiency of the house.
Agency, as well as the convenience for the house-owner and customer, this topic is about how to develop a house agency management system based on B/S structure. The paper mainly introduces the development background, the basic functions, basic function modules(for my part), design thought, and crucial technology and solution.)
Keywords:house property;management information system;Database; ASP.NET;C#
(一) 项目规划
(二) 功能设计
系统开发平台:Microsoft Visual Studio 2008[3]
数据库管理系统软件:SQL Server 2005[7]
运行平台:Windows XP(SP3)/Windows Server 2003(SP1)
运行环境:Microsoft.NET Framework v3.5

目录 17000字
一、引言 1
(一)课题研究的背景和意义 1
(二)相关知识介绍 1
2.编程工具VISUAL STUDIO.NET 2008简介 1
3.编程语言 C# 简介 2
二、系统分析 3
(一)系统可行性分析 3
(二)系统功能需求分析 3
(三)系统开发工具及运行环境 3
三、系统总体设计 4
(一)项目规划 4
(二)功能设计 4
1.登陆模块 4
2.资料管理模块 5
3.房源管理模块 5
4.客源管理模块 6
5.成交管理模块 6
6.系统管理模块 7
(三)性能设计 7
1.软件环境 7
2.硬件环境 7
(四)数据库设计 7
1.数据库视图 8
2.数据字典设计 8
四、系统详细设计 15
(一)系统设计说明 15
(二)系统设计描述 15
(三)数据库连接设计 15
1.数据库访问技术 15
2.数据库连接 15
3.数据库基本操作 15
(四)用户权限设置 16
(五)系统菜单设置 16
(六)验证码生成和使用 16
(七)房产中介管理系统登录页面实现 16
1.系统登录页面 16
2.用户登陆流程图 17
(八)资料管理模块实现 17
1.公司职员设置 17
2.业务资料管理 18
3.公司信息设置 19
(九)房源管理模块实现 19
1.出售房源管理 19
2.出租房源管理 20
3.查询可售房源 20
4.查询可租房源模块 21
5.广告发布管理模块 21
(十)客源管理模块实现 22
1.求购客源管理 22
2.求租客源管理 22
3.查询求购客源 23
4.查询求租客源 23
(十一)成交管理模块实现 24
1.经纪跟进管理 24
2.租售成交管理 25
3.查询售房信息 25
4.查询租房信息 25
(十二)系统管理模块实现 26
1.新建操作用户 26
2.修改用户密码 26
3.分配用户权限 26
五、系统测试 28
(一)测试的概念 28
(二)测试内容 28
(三)测试情况 28
1.用户登陆测试 28
2.上传业务资料 28
3.增加房源信息 28
4.查询房源信息 28
5.修改客源信息 28
6.查询成交记录 28
7.设置用户权限 28
(四)测试结果 29
六、结束语 30
(一)系统的缺陷和不足 30
(二)评价 30
(三)体会 30
附录 31
参考文献 35
致谢 36