摘 要
关键词:B/S架构, Web,智能化
Analysis and Design of the Management
Module on Student Message
Now the students involved in information management increasing amount of data, some schools have to rely on additional human and material resources to carry out student information management. However, the low efficiency of the management manual, in order to adapt to the development of the times, enhance efficiency, to establish a "Student Information Management System", through computer school students to achieve information management. Not only can be used for general information and maintenance, and can conduct all the necessary information on the mathematical and statistical analysis.
I graduated from the design of the selected topics should be said to follow this trend. For today's college campuses, students, information, data, information management complexity, not only a waste of many human and material resources, but is still prone to errors. Student Information Management System is an intelligent student information management system, it saved manpower and material resources, and the grasp of the various information and operation is also more convenient, with all the information on the overall situation of a master.
Student Information Management System is based on the demand for college design, which is based on information management, human systems design, users will be simple. It can effectively help school students master the situation, and for the students to provide personal information enquiries. Through the system, users can view the student information management, incentive information management, information management training in areas such as information, students can easily understand the overall situation. As Web technology is driving the rapid development of information services on the Internet's progress. Taking into account the application of Internet technology to promote and popularize the system is now more popular, safe and reliable C # language preparation.
Key words: Brower/Serve structure, Web, Intelligent
在对学生信息管理系统的开发过程有了基本了解后,使用Vistual Studio 2005开发了这个“学生信息管理系统”。系统基本实现了对学生基本信息的管理、学生培训信息管理、学生奖惩信息管理。例如学生进行注册,查看个人信息,填写培训信息等等。

目 录 15000字
任务书 I
摘 要 II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 学生管理系统概述 1
1.2 课题背景 1
1.2.1 国内外现状 1
1.2.2 课题研究意义 2
第2章 学生管理系统分析 4
2.1 需求分析 4
2.2 系统分析 4
2.2.1 组织结构分析 4
2.2.2 业务流程分析 4
2.2.2 数据流程分析 6
2.3数据字典 8
2.4 可行性分析 11
2.4.1 经济可行性 11
2.4.2 技术可行性 11
2.4.3 操作可行性 12
第3章 数据库设计 13
3.1 数据库设计思想 13
3.2 数据库设计 14
3.2.1 概念设计 14
3.2.2 逻辑设计 16
3.2.3 物理设计 17
3.3输入输出设计 19
第4章 详细设计 20
4.1 系统设计 20
4.2 功能实现及详细解析 21
4.2.1 页面设计 21
4.2.2 用户管理 24
4.2.3 修改用户 25
第5章 系统的实施与维护 28
5.1 B/S架构特点技术 28
5.1.1 B/S概述 28
5.1.2 B/S应用 28
5.2 系统测试 28
5.2.1测试的意义和目的 28
5.2.2测试的方法 29
第6章 结 论 30
参考文献 31
致 谢 32