摘 要
The digitization and the network is the remarkable characteristic of the present era, the publishing house are not only the information processors and disseminators but also an enterprise, it urgently need to breakthrough tradition operation pattern with the information technology, facing this kind of present situation of the publication, this article described the project of the design and execution of the system which is called "the book information management system" to meets the concrete need of the economical management publishing house, and elaborated the entire design of the application system in detail. This system help modern publishing house make full use of the publication resources and excavate the publication resources, enhances the efficiency of the publishing house, reduces the cost of the operation, manage the books resources of the publishing house effectively and dynamically by combines the web, information and new operation pattern together, and carries on the external network marketing. This system has three modules: Book information management, online marketing system and book data generating. Book management includes the browsing, increasing, revision of the book information, and it can search the book information with kinds of condition, and it can carry out the classified management of the book information. The network marketing system advertise the book by e-mail marketing through to the effective management of the book and customer information, it can produce the e-mail with book information according to the pattern plate automatically; book data generating can make the book information in or out of the database, and convert the book information to Excel or Word according to kinds of pattern plate.
Key words: Books management;Network marketing;Massive e-mail;Publishing house;
本系统以Windows系统为操作平台,以SQL server为数据库,采用Microsoft visual C#.NET 为开发工具。从硬件上来看,经济管理出版社已经具备了比较良好的网络环境,完全可以实现网络通信,主机的配置也完全能够满足存储、软件等的要求。从软件上来看, Windows操作系统,以及SQL server数据库均为目前流行的系统软件,应用广泛。Microsoft visual C#.NET 亦为目前颇受欢迎的一种面向对象的开发工具,其软件的开发基本不成问题。
经济管理出版社共有四个编辑部,分别负责经济类、财务会计类、经营管理类和外文经管译注类图书的组稿和编辑。编辑部是出版社的核心部门,其主要职责是协助制定和实施出版社的选题计划,即负责出版物的稿件的组织、编辑等工作, 以往图书从选题到审校的整个过程及图书的信息都是靠人工记录在流转卡上的,信息繁杂,工作进程脉络不清晰,并且没有专门的图书信息的管理系统,如果参加书展,在制定图书书目的宣传手册时,往往要靠人工查找并重新录入、排版,费时费力,可靠性不高。本系统可以使编辑在编校好一本书后,一次性的将图书信息输入到系统中,随时都可方便的查找任何一本图书的相关信息,并可以轻松的将其按照一定样式以多种文件格式输出,方便快捷。
