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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16312143 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16312143

摘  要

Design and implementation of java-based game Lianliankan
Game development has been more than 30 years history, in this short period, with the improvement of hardware level, the game development new technology emerge in endlessly, classic games everywhere. Most people heard the lianliankan game, often will think this is a small game. Lianliankan game, it is to point to in one area, there are many different images, by clicking on two of the same pictures and conform to certain rules to eliminate their a game. We are one of the most common in QQ lianliankan QQ games hall, on the Internet also has many a variety of stand-alone lianliankan game. In the process of the game, can consider how to use their mastery of the program to achieve the effect of the game, and try to develop our own lianliankan, this is a very pleasant thing. In this chapter, we will teach you in detail how to use Java to develop a belongs to own standalone lianliankan. This game USES JAVA language development, MyEclipse as development platform. Game main interface is based on the development of GUI (graphical user interface), makes the game interface simple and clear. And call some of these functions, completed the event trigger function. Hope that through this development design lianliankan game, give you a little pleasure out of life. The game by defining the dynamic two-dimensional array, according to a certain path judgment algorithm implementation regulations.

Keywords: lianliankan, little game, JAVA, GUI, array



目  录
1  引言    1
1.1  课题研究的意义和目的    1
2  连连看游戏及相关背景介绍    2
2.1  相关背景及介绍    2
2.1.1  计算机    2
2.1.2  电脑游戏    3
2.1.3  连连看    4
3  相关技术支持及介绍    7
3.1  JAVA    7
3.1.1  JAVA语言背景介绍    7
3.1.2  JAVA语言特性    8
3.2  ECLIPSE    8
4  需求相关设计    10
4.1  系统需求分析    10
4.2  程序开发环境    10
4.3  系统功能    10
4.4  模块设计    10
4.4.1  总体框架介绍    10
4.4.2  算法设计介绍    11
5  游戏相关设计    14
5.1  游戏界面设计    14
5.2  相关功能实现    15
6  测试与分析    19
6.1  游戏界面展示    19
6.2  测试中遇到的问题与分析    21
6.2.1  算法设计介绍    21
6.2.2  异常的相关与处理    21
7  结论    23
参 考 文 献    24
致  谢    25
