摘 要
Design and implementation of online shopping system
Since China's economy, science and technology in the unceasing development, people's living standard is improving constantly. People's consumption patterns are constantly changing. Take shopping; modern people are catching up with the Joneses started online shopping. The network business competition is like a raging fire of. This design according to the present situation of online shopping and online store system based on JAVA development. Through this system can not only expand the business scale and market influence, and can reduce the operating costs of enterprises, improve work efficiency, but also convenient for shopping.
The modern form of online shopping and traditional shopping way has extremely strong advantage. As the popularity of computer, each and every family has a computer, can the Internet, faster which makes online shopping spread in people's life, more and more people like even used convenient, fast online shopping brings, saving in time also can goods than three, than quality, than price, buy more at the cheaper goods. Online shopping is not only convenient for users, but also can greatly improve the efficiency of business transactions, save unnecessary personnel costs for businesses, saving time, also can be through the web site message and buyers to user communication, to achieve better service effect. Therefore, this system will be more and more users and merchants of praise, there will be more and more application business of this system, and system will get rapid development, practical significance.
Since China's entry into the WTO, more and more traditional enterprises to further recognize the inevitable trend of economic development of the enterprise is based on network, globalization as the main characteristic. And e-commerce enterprises have become a necessary condition for enterprise development in line with international standards. Over the years, the state attaches great importance to the information construction of enterprises, and has done a lot of work, but at present the enterprise began to implement the information share is less than 20%. So the cosmetics sales system is a very urgent demand.
In this paper, online store sales for example, describe the development and design of online shop sales system. System uses Java as the development language, Jsp as a front page display, to MySQL as a database and MyEclipse as the development tool. The system page friendly, simple and generous, easy to understand, either the user or the businesses are relatively easy to use in operation.
Keywords: Design and implementation of online shopping system, java, MyEclipse
管理员在后台管理商品信息、商品类别、特价商品管理、会员订单管理、会员管理等 :
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 目的与意义 1
1.3 课题研究主要内容 2
1.3.1 管理员功能 2
1.3.2 用户功能 2
1.4 国内外现状 2
2 需求分析 3
2.1 业务流程分析 3
2.2 功能需求分析 3
2.3 数据需求分析 4
2.4 数据字典分析 5
2.5 系统E-R图 7
2.6 关键技术介绍 11
2.6.1 java技术介绍 11
2.6.2 tomcat介绍 13
2.6.3 mysql简介 13
3 系统设计 15
3.1 系统概要设计 15
3.1.1 系统结构图 15
3.1.2 功能层次图 15
3.2 功能模块设计 15
3.2.1 购物车功能模块设计 15
3.2.2 管理员添加商品模块设计 16
3.3 页面设计 17
3.3.1 后台页面设计 17
3.3.2 前台页面设计 18
4 系统实现 19
4.1 数据库连接的实现 19
4.2 功能模块实现 19
4.2.1 用户注册功能模块实现 19
4.2.2 商品查看模块实现 21
4.3 页面实现 23
4.3.1 用户登录页面实现 23
4.3.2 购物车页面实现 24
4.3.3 查看订单页面实现 26
4.3.4 留言板页面实现 28
4.3.5 修改个人信息页面实现 30
4.3.6 商品管理页面实现 31
4.3.7 后台订单处理实现 33
5 系统测试 36
5.1 测试原理 36
5.2 测试结果分析 36
6 结论 37
参 考 文 献 38
致 谢 39