来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16312290 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16312290
摘 要
关键词 : 汽车;在线销售;订单处理
Design and Implementation of Automobile Sales Management System
This paper describes the design and implementation based on B / S mode architecture automotive sales management system. The so-called auto sales management system is to promote businesses and companies related to automotive products and technical support and services through emerging Internet business model, and you can easily enable customers to keep abreast of the latest business trends and product launches, to provide customers with quick and easy access to information and order processing capabilities , to meet customer's buying needs.
From a longer-term strategic objectives and development prospects , the car sales management system is not just a simple sale of automotive products and provide technical support and after-sales service platform, but the tide is through development of the Internet , the use of emerging Internet business models , integration of Internet, corporate intranets and extranets , the customers and dealers, manufacturers and distributors tightly linked together . Accelerate the speed of access to information and commodities trading efficiency , reduce redundant labor costs , enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises , and consumers have also been genuineness affordable.
Automobile sales management system provides a convenient way to search , classification can be retrieved from the car , find their favorite car , fast and accurate. And you can see the focus of the sales rankings, special car and the new car market in different areas such as home side . Compared with the traditional physical store sales, auto sales management system can provide more information about automotive information and the key is lower prices , but he is no less service . The greatest advantage of car sales management system are: the company's products and services to more customers a broader , longer unlimited geographical location ; And the site will run around the clock , customers will no longer be restricted point in time , so As a result, businesses and customers have benefited Competition. Run car sales management system will inevitably reduce the number of store rental costs and labor costs , cost reduction will attract more customers , thereby enhancing the overall competitiveness of enterprises, thus forming a virtuous circle.
Keywords: automobile;online sales;order processing
图4-1 系统前台用户功能结构图
目 录 摘要 i Abstract ii 1 绪 论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 目的和意义 1 1.3 系统设计要求 2 1.4 正文的结构 2 2 可行性分析 3 2.1 业务流程图 3 2.2 经济可行性 4 2.3 技术可行性 4 2.4 操作可行性 4 2.5 法律可行性 5 2.6 本章小结 5 3 需求分析 6 3.1 电子商务的产生和发展情况 6 3.2 汽车销售管理系统的需求分析 7 3.3 数据流图 7 3.4 本章小结 15 4 总体设计 16 4.1 系统模块总体设计 16 4.2 数据库选择与设计 17 4.2.1 数据库建表分析 17 4.2.2 数据库的详细设计 17 4.3 本章小结 21 5 详细设计与实现 22 5.1 系统运行环境设置 22 5.2 开发工具及技术简介 22 5.2.1 开发工具简介 22 5.2.2 技术简介 24 5.3 系统首页设计 26 5.4 系统前台基本功能设计与实现 26 5.4.1 用户维护模块设计与实现 26 5.4.2 汽车展示模块设计与实现 28 5.4.3 购物车模块的设计与实现 30 5.5 系统后台管理功能设计与实现 32 5.5.1 基本信息管理设计与实现 32 5.5.2 其他模块的实现原理 33 5.6 本章小结 34 6 系统测试与性能分析 35 6.1 软件测试 35 6.1.1 软件测试的步骤 35 6.1.2 软件测试的方法 36 6.2 本系统测试 36 6.2.1 用户登录模块测试 36 6.2.2 快速搜索模块测试 37 6.2.3 购物车模块测试 38 6.2.4 订单模块测试 38 6.2.5 后台汽车管理模块测试 39 6.2.6 销售额模块测试 40 6.3 本章小结 40 结 论 41 参考文献 42 致 谢 43 外文原文 44 中文翻译 53 |