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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313540 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313540


Graduation Design Management System Based on WeChat Applet
Abstract:The conventional graduation thesis management system is not efficient. Take our school as an example. After the teacher announces the topic, the school still manages the double selection between the teacher and the student in a manual management manner. This may result in the possibility that multiple students choose a teacher's topic, or that a teacher's topic has no choice. In order to greatly improve the management efficiency of the school's completion, the system design has realized the graduation design management system based on WeChat applet.To solve out the limitations of the system at present, after the hard work with teachers and friends,and withJava + MySQL database + WeChat developer tools to complete the features of the system, in the last ,through the system test to find out the wrongs of the system, so that the system can be gradually ameliorated to satisfy the required standards.
Key words:WeChat applet;Graduation Management System ;JSP ;MySQL

本毕设系统的设计主要使用了MyEclipse和Tomcat以及微信开发者工具。下面我们主要对MyEclipse, 微信开发者工具, Tomcat和MySQL数据库展开详细叙述。


摘要:    1
1 绪论    3
1.1开发背景与意义    3
1.2开发方法    3
1.3论文结构    4
2 系统开发技术的介绍    4
2.1 开发工具介绍    4
2.1.1 MyEclipse    4
2.1.2 Tomcat    4
2.1.3 MySQL数据库    4
2.1.4 微信开发者工具    5
2.2 开发技术介绍    6
2.2.1 web技术    6
2.2.2 Jsp    6
3 系统分析    6
3.1系统可行性分析    6
3.2系统总体分析    7
3.3 系统后端需求分析    7
3.4 系统微信端需求分析    8
3.5 系统功能分析    8
3.6 系统设计目标    9
4系统设计    9
4.1系统功能模块图    9
4.2数据流图    10
4.3小程序流程图    10
4.4数据库设计    12
4.4.1 数据库概要设计    12
4.4.2 数据库表设计    13
5 系统的实现    15
5.1用户登录    15
5.2通知信息    16
5.3帖子信息    16
5.4发布帖子    17
5.5申报课题    18
5.6审核课题    19
5.7选题    20
5.8公告管理    21
5.9 系统设置    22
6 系统测试    22
6.1运行环境说明    22
6.2界面测试    23
6.3功能测试    23
6.4测试结果    24
7 总结与展望    25
7.1系统开发总结    25
7.2系统改进展望    25
参考文献:    26
致谢    27
