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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1632065 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1632065

摘  要:J2ME(Java 2 Platform Micro Edition,Java 2微型平台)是SUN公司推出的为了解决在不同移动终端上运行相同的JAVA应用,也是被广泛使用在手机上的第一代智能开发平台。
关键词:J2ME  手机游戏  中国象棋  蓝牙


Based on J2ME technology handset game software
development and research

Abstract: J2ME is that Sun Microsystems promotes in order to solve in the different mobile device running the same JAVA application, also is the first generation of intelligence develops the platform.
The graduation project will study and grasping based on the J2ME technology handset game software development by designing to develop a section bluetooth networking Chinese chess game, in the graduation project process does the work to be as follows:
First, understood and grasps the J2ME related technology, including J2ME characteristic, J2ME platform architecture, in J2ME platform each API function, MIDlets application procedure life cycle and concrete development flow, as well as in J2ME platform bluetooth connection technology.
Second, has realized the Chinese chess game basic function, including chessman and chessboard foundation, choice and motion chessman, taking back a move, tieing the game with minutes remaining, admits defeat and so on the functions.
Third, has realized the bluetooth connection function, through foundation service end establishment game, enables the client side to search plays and joins the game, maintains the service end and the client side correspondence in the game.
Fourth, has designed the game contact surface carefully, has realized the function menu transfer, provides the friendly prompt information for the user, and provides the good exception handling for the game, for example the broken line heavy company waits for the function.

Keywords: J2ME; mobile telephone game; Chinese chess; bluetooth.

目    录

1  引言 1
1.1  游戏的开发背景 1
1.2  手机游戏与传统电子游戏的差别 1
1.3  手机游戏应具有的特征 2
1.4  本游戏的简单介绍 3
2  J2ME概述 3
2.1  J2ME特点 3
2.2  J2ME平台体系结构 4
2.3  MIDP2.0与MIDP1.0的比较 7
2.4  可选包JSR 82 8
2.5  手机MIDP应用程序开发流程 8
3  开发环境及相关工具介绍 10
3.1  开发环境 10
3.2  JAVA语言的特点 10
3.3  关于J2ME Wireless Toolkit 11
3.4  关于ECLIPSE 11
3.5  JAVA Appication Manager 12
4  详细设计与相关技术 13
4.1  游戏的功能和流程 13
4.2  类结构设计 15
4.3  MIDlet的生命周期 18
4.4  深入了解MIDP规范 18
4.5  蓝牙连接技术 24
4.6  游戏在不同手机上的兼容性问题 28
4.7  内存的优化 29
4.8  内存监视器 30
4.9  关于混淆器 31
5  具体实现 32
5.1  游戏进入前的选择 32
5.2  fuwu类 33
5.3  kehu类 34
5.4  gamecanvas类 35
5.5  游戏中异常的处理 43
6  测试 43
6.1  打包下载测试 43
6.2  发现的BUG及解决方案 45
7  程序演示 46
结  论 51
致  谢 52
参 考 文 献 53

