摘 要
现代社会对无线移动终端功能要求很明确:通信速度快、功能齐全。传统的单一的通讯功能已经不能满足人们的需求。本课题的设计就是基于android智能平台,实现了传统的通信功能、个人考勤信息管理和网络社交功能。也应用了3G手机的定位功能,3G网络的高速率特性保证了GPS定位功能的精确性和实时性,利用此功能开发的基于地理位置的通信考勤平台也会更加实用。支持高速数据传输的3G通信技术,可以双向下载传递资料、图画、影像,其代表特征是提供高速数据业务,极大的满足了人们的通信需要。通过对3G手机常用的android系统的研究,测试了这种平台的大部分功能,android系统的开放性特点、良好的第三方程序开发环境和高效的可扩展性功能也方便了在android平台上才各种应用的开发。Android是一种新的系统,不需要考虑对旧系统的兼容,因为对旧系统的支持会让系统速度变得非常缓慢, android从一开始就专门为最快的硬件而设计,所以它的运行速度非常快。
In modern society, the functional requirements of wireless mobile terminal are very clear: fast communication speed, full function. The traditional single communication function already can not satisfy people's needs. This topic design is based on the intelligent platform of android which can achieve the functions such as the traditional communication,the personal information management and social networking function.And it also can help the 3G mobile phones to apply for positioning,the high-speed characteristics of the 3G network ensure the accuracy and real-time of GPS positioning, therefore, the location-based attendance communication platform which develops by taking advantage of this feature will be more practical. And the 3G communication technology which supports the high-speed data transmission —— you can use it to download the two-way transmission of information, pictures, images, characterizes by its representatives to provide high-speed data services and to meet people's communication needs greatly. The 3G mobile phone is a mobile terminal which based on this technology, through the android system research commonly used by 3G phones, experts tested most function of this platform, its remarkable features including openness, a good third-party program development environment and efficient scalable sexual function is also convenient to develop a variety of application in the android platform. Android system is a new system that it does not need to consider the compatibility of the old system because the support of the old system will lead the speed of this system becoming very slow .The android system is specifically designed for the fastest hardware from the beginning, so it's running very fast.
Keywords: GPS positioning, android,message systems, mobile terminals, 3G networks
系统采用java语言开发,遵循android sdk规范。Java是一种简单的,面向对象的,分布式的,解释型的,健壮安全的,结构中立的,可移植的,性能优异、多线程的动态语言。Java语言的优良特性使得Java应用具有无比的健壮性和可靠性,这也减少了应用系统的维护费用。Java对对象技术的全面支持和Java平台内嵌的API能缩短应用系统的开发时间并降低成本。Java的编译一次,到处可运行的特性使得它能够提供一个随处可用的开放结构和在多平台之间传递信息的低成本方式。Android以Java为编程语言,从接口到功能,都有层出不穷的变化,其中Activity等同于J2ME的MIDlet,一个 Activity 类(class)负责创建视窗(window),一个活动中的Activity就是在 foreground(前景)模式,背景运行的程序叫做Service。两者之间通过由ServiceConnection和AIDL连结,达到复数程序同时运行的效果。View等同于J2ME的Displayable,程序人员可以通过 View 类与“XML layout”档将UI放置在视窗上, View的构造函数不需要再Activity中调用,但是Displayable的是必须的,在Activity 中,要通过findViewById()来从XML 中取得View,Android的View类的显示很大程度上是从XML中读取的。
Android开发工具通常使用官方推荐的工具:eclipse集成开发工具,JDK运行环境,安装Google专门为android提供的ADT插件和SDK(software development kit)软件开发工具包。