摘 要
Along with the improvement of modern medicine, vaccine varieties more and more, indirectly led to the complexity of each department of vaccination, in the absence of complete system background, school hospital will gradually loss of manpower, material resources and financial resources, and easy to cause potential safety hazard, in order to solve the defects of our school hospital vaccine management, I combined the school hospital inoculation process and business status quo, using structured method designed the new vaccine management system of wuhan polytechnic university hospital. Using MyEclipse as a development tool, MySQL as a database management system for design and development. How to design a system to meet the needs of hospital personnel is the main content of this paper.
Before designing the system, the author basically understood the vaccination process by investigating different hospitals, and grasped the overall business process by communicating with relevant personnel. According to user requirements, the author designed the vaccine management system of wuhan university of technology. The first step in system analysis, from the beginning of the feasibility analysis, then analyze the organizational structure of the school hospital, consider what department involved, analyzed the function structure of each department and in total can be divided into five function modules: the subjects module, the module, the vaccine immunization module, user module, statistics module, according to the functional structure to design the business process and data process. The second step is the system design, design the functional structure diagram and information system flow chart, and then design the database, database design is a crucial step in the whole process. The last step is system implementation, including design interface and code implementation.
The design scheme of the vaccine management system of the school hospital of wuhan university of technology basically meets the basic requirements of the current business, and the system has been basically developed. After running the system, it is expected to save a lot of unnecessary expenditure for the hospital and improve the working efficiency of users. The modern management system not only improves the error tolerance rate of vaccine management, but also protects the information, improves the data security, and prevents the disclosure of patient information.
Key Words:vaccine;patient;modularization;MyEclipse;MySQL
本系统目标如下:将传统旧式的管理转化为现代化计算机管理。该系统首先要有令人赏心悦目的界面,好的界面会带给用户良好的体验,还要有优良的性能,能够快速准确查找出用户需要的信息,努力减少重复输入信息;采购员可以随时将疫苗库存信息调出,既包括临期疫苗又包括过期疫苗,从而可以充分利用疫苗,减少疫苗因过期而造成的损失 。

目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外发展现状 1
1.3 研究内容及目标 1
1.4 研究方法 2
第2章 系统分析 3
2.1 可行性分析 3
2.1.1 技术可行性 3
2.1.2 经济可行性 3
2.1.3 操作可行性 3
2.1.4 法律可行性 4
2.2 组织结构分析 4
2.3 业务流程分析 4
2.4 数据流程分析 5
2.5 数据字典 6
第3章 系统设计 9
3.1 总体设计 9
3.1.1 功能结构图设计 9
3.1.2 信息系统流程图设计 11
3.2 系统物理配置方案 14
3.2.1 设计依据 14
3.2.2 设备配置 14
3.2.3 数据库管理系统的选择 15
3.3 数据库设计 15
3.3.1 概念结构设计 15
3.3.2 逻辑结构设计 17
3.3.3 物理结构设计 18
3.4 输入输出设计 19
3.4.1 输出设计 19
3.4.2 输入设计 20
3.5 代码设计 22
第4章 系统实施 23
4.1 系统开发工具简介 23
4.2 系统登录模块 23
4.3 系统主界面 25
4.4 疫苗管理模块 26
4.4.1 疫苗管理主界面 26
4.4.2 临期疫苗管理 31
4.4.3 过期疫苗查询 32
4.5 受试者管理模块 34
4.6 接种管理模块 38
4.6.1 接种管理 39
4.6.2 统计管理 40
4.7 用户管理模块 41
4.7.1 权限设置 41
4.7.2 用户信息管理 44
4.7.3 修改密码 46
4.8 系统测试与调试 47
4.8.1 测试一 47
4.8.2 测试二 48
第5章 总结与展望 50
5.1 总结 50
5.2 展望 50
参考文献 51
致谢 52