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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313282 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313282

   系统是以springMVC为基本框架的JAVA web应用程序,界面主要用到JavaScript的前台技术,具体界面通过iqueryeasyUI库来进行修饰跟美化,后台主要通过navicat管理mySQL数据库来进行信息的增添和修改,并使用eclipse平台配置tomcat服务器来进行web项目的开发。
关键词:宿舍物业管理;My SQL;Spring MVC;JavaScript
Nowadays, the daily management of colleges and universities, is becoming more and more informatized and datalized.The most important management process is the dormitory property management. Because dormitory is essential part of the students' life, the property management information system of a school dormitory is presented.The system includes 6 information management parts: student’s name, class information, entry and exit registration, dormitory maintenance, dormitory management and health inspection. From the perspective of practicability and reliability, this system help dormitory management to be more informatized and datalized. In addition, there are three parts managing the background of the system. For instance, user, role and menu management, which can be modified and maintained for the system.
The system is a JAVA web application based on spring MVC.The interface is mainly used foreground technology of JavaScript.The specific interface is modified and beautified through the iqueryeasyUIlibrary.The background mainly use navicat to manage the mySQL database, which can increase and decrease the information. Tomcat server, which is configured by eclipse platform, carries out the web project development.
Key words: Dormitory property management; My SQL; Spring MVC; JavaScript


第一章绪论    1
1.1    研究现状    1
1.2    项目背景介绍    1
1.2.1 背景分析    1
1.2.2 系统的欠缺和不足    1
1.3    系统开发目标和现实意义。    2
1.3.1 目标    2
1.3.2 意义    2
第二章系统分析    3
2.1 需求分析    3
2.2 可行性分析    3
2.2.1 系统可行性    3
2.2.2 预算可行性    3
2.2.3 技术可行性    3
2.3 组织结构图    4
2.4 业务流程图    4
2.5 数据流程图    6
2.5.1系统数据流程图    7
2.5.2 数据子流图    8
2.6 数据字典    9
2.6.1数据项    9
2.6.2数据结构    10
2.6.3数据流    11
2.6.4数据存储    11
第三章系统设计    12
3.1 开发工具    12
3.2 系统功能设计    12
3.3 算法设计    13
3.4 数据库设计    14
3.4.1数据库概念设计    14
3.4.2数据库逻辑设计    18
3.4.3数据库物理设计    20
3.5 程序模块设计    20
3.5.1后台模块    20
3.5.2前台模块    20
3.6代码设计    21
3.7输入输出设计    21
3.7.1输入设计    21
3.7.2输出设计    21
第四章系统实施    22
4.1    模拟运行数据    22
4.1.1    系统登陆模块    22
4.1.2    超级管理员界面模块    23
4.1.3    学生模块    28
4.1.4宿舍管理员模块    29
4.2    系统测试    29
4.2.1代码测试    30
4.2.2编译测试    30
第五章结论    31
参考文献    32
附录    34
致谢    42
