Abstract:The system described in this arctle is a book management system based on the SSH2 framework, using the most popular and convenient Java programming language, using structs2, hibernate, springMVC and other multi frame technology, combined with JavaScript, JSP and other web page display technology, realizing the library management system login, the right limit management, book inquiry, new book appointment recommendation. The function of borrowing and returning, overdue deductions and so on. The system is simple and friendly, easy to operate and easy to maintain. And it effectively realizes the information management of library resources, user information, book borrowing and return deductions, etc., and saves the laborious and inefficient process of manual recording and searching, which greatly improves the efficiency of library management. Meanwhile, it facilitates the readers to search and borrow books quickly and quickly.
This paper expounds the feasibility analysis of the system, the related technology of the system, the requirement analysis, the overall design, the database design, and next the detailed design and test the important part of system.

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 开发背景和目的 1
1.2 图书管理系统可行性分析 1
1.2.1 技术可行性 1
1.2.2 经济可行性 1
1.2.3 管理可行性 1
1.3 开发运行环境 2
第二章 系统相关技术介绍 2
2.1 JSP技术 2
2.2 Structs2技术 2
2.3 Hibernate技术 3
2.4 Spring技术 4
第三章 系统各功能模块设计 5
3.1 角色功能权限分析 5
3.2 系统实现目标 5
3.3系统功能模块设计 6
3.4 数据库概念模型设计 9
3.5 图书管理系统数据库表详细设计 9
3.6 系统登录模块 14
3.7 系统管理员模块 15
3.8 图书管理员模块 19
3.9 读者模块 25
第四章 系统重要功能代码及框架 29
4.1 分页工具 29
4.2 信息公告删除功能 30
4.3 SSH框架 31
4.4 Hibirnate配置文件 31
4.5 Structs2配置文件 32
4.6 Spring配置文件 32
第五章 系统测试 33
5.1 系统测试的方法和步骤 33
5.2 登录模块测试 33
5.3 借书模块测试 34
5.4 还书模块测试 35
第六章 结论 36
参考文献 37
致谢 37