摘 要
With the continuous development of the Internet industry in recent years, live broadcasting technology has also been applied to many fields, such as education live broadcasting, game live broadcasting, outdoor live broadcasting, sports live broadcasting and so on. Many live broadcasting platforms have emerged as the times require. The development of live webcast platform for distance education in the form of live-on-demand has also been a boom. Especially in recent years, with its advantages of flexibility, convenience and low teaching cost, online distance education has set off a new upsurge in the field of education. People are no longer subject to the traditional classroom teachers and students must face-to-face education restrictions, can learn at any convenient time and place.
With more and more manpower and resources joining the ranks of online live education, this industry will undoubtedly get greater and faster development. Therefore, in order to break through the time and space limitations of traditional education and provide an online communication and learning platform for teachers and students, it is a very forward-looking choice to design and develop a live website for distance education.
This thesis discusses in detail the research and implementation process of Web-based live websites for distance education. By studying the implementation technology of live broadcasting platform, a live broadcasting website for distance education is developed. The main function modules of the system include management module, teacher module and student module. The management side is the system administrator to maintain and manage the system; the teacher side can publish the teacher's class situation through the camera; the student side can watch the teacher's course live broadcast with low delay, and can interact with the teacher, and can also see the live announcement and the teacher's previous recording information, and evaluate the course uploaded by the teacher.
The system adopts B/S mode. The main technologies in system development include using HTML, css, JavaScript, jsp, Ajax and other technologies to develop front-end pages; using MVC architecture, JSP + Servlet + javaBean mode, using MySQL as the background database, using java language to develop the server back-end, eclipse as the development tool, Red5 as the streaming media server.
Key words: education live broadcasting; RTMP; JSP

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状分析 2
1.3 课题研究内容 2
1.4 论文结构概述 3
第2章 系统分析与设计 4
2.1 需求分析 4
2.1.1 功能需求 4
2.1.2 非功能性需求 5
2.2 功能模块设计 6
2.3 数据库设计 8
2.4 总结 12
第3章 系统实现 13
3.1 开发工具及开发技术介绍 13
3.1.1 Red5简介 13
3.1.2 JSP+Servlet+JavaBean开发模式(MVC) 13
3.1.3 RTMP 15
3.2 教师端 15
3.2.1 登陆注册 16
3.2.2 发布直播预告与直播 18
3.2.3 上传录播视频 19
3.2.4 个人信息修改 20
3.2.5 课程发布记录 21
3.3 学生端 22
3.3.1 登陆注册 22
3.3.2 观看直播 22
3.3.3 直播讨论区发言 23
3.3.4 观看录播并评价 23
3.3.5 个人信息修改 25
3.3.6 浏览记录 25
3.4 管理端 26
3.4.1 分类管理 27
3.4.2 课程管理 28
3.4.3 直播管理 30
3.4.4 用户管理 30
3.4 总结 31
第4章 项目难点与解决方案 32
4.1 websocket实现讨论区 32
4.2 jsp与Java类、js的前后端传值 33
4.3 直播过程 34
4.4总结 35
第5章 结束语 36
参考文献 37
致谢 38