
随着计算机技术、网络技术和信息技术的发展,越来越多地改善着现代人的工作、生活。网络管理系统是计算机技术和网络迅速发展的一个办公应用解决方案。网络管理系统将Internet网络技术与现代管理观念相融合,使得政府得以逐步提高决策透明度、服务效率和廉政建设从而转变政府职能。从而实现政府财务管理的网上化则可以使财务管理,更加高效、规范、安全和简便。 关键词:、财务管理、JSP、Html、MSSQLserver2000数据库
Along with the development of the computer technique, network technique and information technique, all that more and more improve the work and life of modern people.E-GovernmentAffair Network Management System is a affair applied solution project with the development of computer technique and Inter -net quickly.E-GovernmentAffair Network Management System combines Internet technique with modern manage system, and make the government can gradually increase to make the clarity of policy, the efficiency of service and the probity construction,and then change government working talent.Thus it implements government finance net that manage can make the finance management, more efficiently, norm, safety . Key Words: E-GovernmentAffair Network Management System, the finance management, JSP,Html,MSSQLserver2000 DataBase. 目录 一、 本系统的意义 二、 设计思想 三、 财务管理模块设计及实现 五、 参考书目 |