摘 要
The forum net system is designed in the paper, which employing the technology of JSP+servlet, basing on the mode of MTV. In order to ensure the security of the design code, this paper adopts the display technology, such as JSTL+EL and AJAX. In the mean time, the page code is simplified by use of some relate ways. The dynamic issue system is finished in this paper, which made the management of information realize real-time renew and the efficiency rise. This paper employed the MySQL database, having many advanced characteristics, such as operate simple, the low price and the more convenient maintain procedure.
The B/S design structure is used in this software, which divided into two parts, the state display and the backstage management. Consumer to register, the password modification, password retrieve, register, browse, reply an invitation card and search invitation card etc are operated in the former part; The later part mainly carries out the management operation, including establish and cancel to the essence of the invitation card, look into to the invitation card and deletes to the illegal invitation card progress, research, delete to the invitation card progress of the recovery etc, and what is more ,the operation of issuing releasing, increasing, deleting, modifying the announce etc is realized in this part.
This paper released the technology of the net structure and the method to solve the problem encountered in the design, basing on description to the process of forum net system. Let everyone understand JAVA network plait distance of the design mode of the extensive usage.
Keywords: forum,system, JSP, announce
1 会员功能
2 搜索功能
3 版主功能
4 论坛展区功能
5 后台数据维护功能

目 录
前言 1
1 可行性分析 3
1.1 技术可行性 3
1.2 操作可行性 3
1.3 分析结论 4
2 需求分析 4
2.1 系统的功能需求 4
2.1.1 会员功能 4
2.1.2 搜索功能 5
2.1.3 版主功能 5
2.1.4 论坛展区功能 5
2.1.5 后台数据维护功能 5
3 概要设计 6
3.1 系统总体构概要设计 6
3.2 数据模型 7
3.2.1 数据流图 7
3.2.2 系统设计E-R图 9
3.3 数据库设计 9
4 详细设计及实现 12
4.1 前台页面的设计与实现 12
4.1.1 首页的设计实现 12
4.1.2 用户登录界面的制作 14
4.1.3 用户注册界面的制作 18
4.1.3 用户分区界面的制作 22
4.2 后台页面的设计与实现 27
4.2.1 管理员登录界面的设计 27
4.2.2 管理员管理的设计与实现 28
5 测试 39
5.1 测试的任务及目标 39
5.1.1 测试的任务 39
5.1.2 测试的目标 39
5.2 测试方案 39
5.3 测试用例 39
5.3.1 会员登录测试 40
5.3.2 发帖测试 41
6 结论 44
参考文献 45
谢辞 46 |