摘 要 根据现阶段我市公交车的管理,调度等方面的实际情况,设计出动态智能管理系统。公共交通智能化管理利用无线交通技术、电子技术、计算机网络技术、数据库技术等手段,实现了公交调度智能化、现代化。公共交通之调度是智能公共交通系统的核心,它运用系统工程的理论和方法,综合了通信、信息、控制、计算机网络等现代高新技术,根据实时的客流信息、车辆行驶方向信息、车辆当前位置信息及车辆当前到站时间信息等,通过计算机汇总数据、实时监控、调度指挥,利用LED显示当前车辆的大体位置、行驶方向、实现对公交车辆的智能化管理。调度员也可依次进行合理安排车辆的发车时间及间隔时间,并对公交车驾驶员进行考核。从而使公交车辆运行有序、平稳、高效、协调,更加快捷、方便,实现资源合理配置,提高了公交系统总体服务水平、经济效益和社会效益,使交通管理从被动向主动方向转变。 关键字:公交智能,管理调度,JSP, SQL 车辆管理
ABSTRCAT According to the management of the bus of our city of the present stage, the actual conditions in dispatcher, etc., design and set out the intellectual administrative system of the attitude. Manage and utilize the means, such as wireless traffic technology, electronic technology computer network technology, data base technology, etc., intelligently in public transport, realized the public transit dispatcher intelligently, modernization. The dispatcher of the public transport is a core of the public traffic system of the intelligence. It uses the theory and method of the system engineering, modern new and high technology, such as comprehensive communication, information, controlling, computer, network, etc., According to real-time flow of passengers information, vehicle travel direction information, present position information of vehicle and vehicle present destination time information, etc.. Through the computer gathers the dates, control, manage commanding in real-time. The ones that utilized LED to show the approximate position of the vehicle, travel direction at present, realize to public transit vehicle were managed intelligently. The controller can carry on the departure time and spacing interval of the arrangement vehicle rationally sequentially, and examine the bus driver. Thus make the public transit vehicle operate the orderly, steady, high-efficient, coordination, swifter, more convenient, realize the rational distribution of resources, have improved the overall service level, economic benefits and social benefit of public transit system; it makes the traffic administration from changing passively in the initiative direction. KEY WORDS: intelligently in public transport, SQLSERVER2000, JSP
本文的目的在于使汽车销售企业中的车辆档案管理成为企业营运过程中一大亮点,为管理者进行管理决策和进行各种经营活动提供了重要的依据,为后续的工作打下良好的基础。开发此系统使得档案管理人员不需要花费大量的时间用于在各个部门之间的奔走,缩短了档案资料传送的时间,从而避免了大量的重复劳动,提高了工作效率。在整个开发过程中有效的结合了JSP编程和sql server2000以及web技术。系统的可移植性决定了它可以适应不同的环境,符合企业在市场中的变化,在不同的环境中进行适当的调整便可以更方便使用了。 如果将本课题的研究成果与组中其他成员的项目进行良好的连接,做好接口的全部工作,将成为汽车销售企业中完整的系统。便可以用于完成汽车整个销售过程的进销存管理、档案管理(客户档案和车辆档案)、信贷管理等等。这样将大大改善各个部门消息的瓶颈,使得信息化管理真正的渗透到整个企业管理的所有环节。 在系统投入使用后,还要将企业信息化建设、人员培训、企业管理水平等因素提上日程,这样才能真正发挥管理系统的强大功能,使得企业效率更上一个台阶。
