摘 要
因此,根据网上书城具体运营环境的需要以及B2C电子商务的主要运营模式,本论文将网上购书的业务流程及特点、用户的需求进行详细设计和模块划分,对数据库的物理结构进行了合理的设计,并利用了目前流行的WEB开发技术-JSP为主体编程语言。基本功能主要包括会员注册、会员登录、新图书展示、图书检索、二手图书论坛、远程购买、远程交易。网站的相关数据是依赖后台MYSQL 数据库做有效的存储。最终呈现给商家的是一个完美的销售平台,提供给用户方便快捷的现代购书方式。
Design and Implementation of Yi Xuan ge Online Bookstore
With the rapid development of network technology, Information processing and transmission has broken through time and geographical boundaries, networking and economic globalization to become the world trend in economic globalization and information-processing network as a background, the online e-commerce activity will become a new business Transactions After years, which e-commerce is developing in China, gradually, people have become accustomed to a new way to shop - online shopping Shopping on line own merchants and consumers interaction to the obvious characteristics, the transactions, which is in the environment, the consumer’s demand is changing varied in this case e-commerce is to allow consumers personalized demands in the greatest degree of satisfaction Purchasing books online is rising quietly under the trend, the practice of full proof of purchase books online has more than a few individual acts, in a few years after the future it will become a new trend of the acquisition
Mainly, this paper introduced the development of the Internet Bookstore of background, analysis, design and realization Firstly, the existing e-commerce theory, the mature online Bookstore sales and the related concept of knowledge as the main basis for the development site On the basis of the current, which is the domestic mature Internet Bookstore, as a template, primarily, this site will be designed targeted at helping merchants to expand the market, letting their Internet Bookstores more famous, broaden consumer groups, increasing sales and other means
Thus, according to the Internet Bookstore specific operating environment and the needs of the major B2C e-commerce business model, this paper will divide the purchase books online business processes, characteristics of the user's needs in detail and then to separate the design of modules, the physical structure of the database was reasonable design and use of the current epidemic of WEB development technology - JSP as the main programming language Basic functions, which is including Register, Login, the new book display, the book searching , second-hand book forum, the purchase of long-range and long-distance transactions The date of network station is stored effective, which dependent on MYSQL database storage Finally, presented to the business is a perfect marketing platform, provide to the user convenience the modern methods of shopping books
Key words: Bookshop Online, Shopping Cart, Electronic Commerce, JSP programming language
Web服务器:TomCat 6.0
开发工具:Myeclpise 3.2
数据库:MYSQL 5.0
服务器系统:Microsoft Windows XP Professional

目 录 16000字
摘 要Ⅱ
第1章 绪 论1
11 全球网上商城发展现状1
12 方法2
13 实施意义2
14 预计实现功能3
第2章 关键技术4
21 技术方法4
22 JSP技术5
221 JSP5
222 JSP配置过程6
第3章 需求分析7
31 业务流程7
312 会员管理9
313 会员发布二书10
314 推荐图书10
315 图书搜索引擎11
316 购物车11
317 新书管理11
33 数据字典15
第4章 系统设计19
411 系统设计19
412 功能模块20
42 系统界面与目录结构20
421 系统界面20
422 目录结构21
44 JSP脚本与Bean组件25
441 会员注册与登录25
442 商品展示与搜索引擎27
443 购物车29
444 新书及推荐图书管理30
445 二手书管理31
第5章 系统实现33
51 JavaBean组件33
52 技术实现33
521 会员注册登陆33
522 图书搜索功能35
523 新书和推荐图书管理36
524 二手书管理38
525 购物车39
526 订单管理40
第6章 结 论42
致 谢45