摘 要
本次设计采用的是结构化的开发方法。按用户至上的原则,结构化,模块化,自顶向下地对系统进行分析与设计。先将整个管理信息系统的开发划分成若干个不同阶段, 如系统规划,系统分析,系统设计,系统实施,运行和维护;然后在系统规划,分析和设计阶段采用自顶向下的方法对系统能够进行结构化划分;最后在系统实施阶段,采用自底向上的方法逐步实施。在本次毕业设计中开发的是利用C/S架构,采用JAVA和JSP技术,使用SQL server2000数据库,具有出库管理,入库管理,库存控制等功能的配送中心库存控制系统。
Design and Analysis of the Distribution center Control System
Distribution Center is a materials distribution will be completed as its main function of logistics nodes. In general, the distribution center is a high degree of automation in the large centers, it from different factories and suppliers of goods to receive the hands of charge and the effective implementation of orders and goods given to customers as quickly as possible.
The warehouse and distribution center general warehouse different, it stressed that the transport of goods rather than long-term storage of goods. It is a short-term storage centre, close to major markets, for the speedy processing of orders to customers and to facilitate the delivery of goods. When the distribution center's inventory is low too, will affect the distribution of goods to customers quickly, thus reducing the efficiency of customer sales, and when excessive inventory at the distribution center will increase the cost. Therefore, the distribution center for goods store should be easy to a degree. In the design of graduates is the main solution to meet customer needs, and to ensure the lowest cost of the premise, the distribution center to solve the problem of storage of goods, warehousing and to the deployment.
The design is based on the structure of the development of methods. According to user-oriented principles, structures and modular, top-down in the system analysis and design. First the entire management information system development is divided into a number of different stages, such as system planning, system analysis, system design, system implementation, operation and maintenance, then the system planning, analysis and design using top-down approach to the system To the structural breakdown of the last stage of the implementation of the system, using the bottom-up approach gradually implemented. In the graduation project is in the development of the use of C / S structure, using JAVA and JSP technology, the use of SQL server2000 database, with a library management, warehousing management, inventory control and other functions of the distribution center inventory control system.
Key words: Distribution center, Inventory Control, Structured method

目 录 13000字
摘 要 II
第1章 配送中心库存控制概述 1
1.1库存管理的必要性 1
1.2 库存管理的目标 1
1.3 库存分类及控制方法 2
1.4 开发背景 3
第2章 系统分析 5
2.1 资料收集 5
2.2 库存方法概述 6
2.2.1 库存管理的任务 6
2.2.2 库存控制的方法 6
2.3 系统中库存控制的原则 7
2.4 组织结构分析 7
2.5 业务流程分析 8
2.6 数据流程分析 9
2.7 配送中心库存控制系统的数据字典 11
第3章 系统设计 18
3.1 总体设计 18
3.1.1 系统目标设计 18
3.1.2 应用程序结构确定 18
3.1.3 确定系统开发环境 19
3.1.4 确定系统的功能模块 19
3.2 详细设计 20
3.2.1 代码设计 21
3.2.2 数据库概念结构设计 21
3.2.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 23
3.2.4 数据库物理结构设计 24
3.3 输入输出设计 25
3.3.1 系统登录界面 25
3.3.2 系统功能表界面 26
3.3.3 入库管理界面 26
3.3.4 出库管理界面 26
3.3.5 库存控制界面 27
3.3.6 库存统计界面 27
第4章 系统实施 28
4.1 开发工具简介 28
4.1.1 JAVA简介 28
4.1.2 SQL SERVER2000数据库简介 28
4.1.3 本系统中JAVA与SQL SERVER2000 28
4.2 系统实现 29
4.2.1 系统管理模块实现 29
4.2.2 库存统计模块实现 30
4.2.3 系统实施与测试 31
第5章 结 论 33
参考文献 34
致谢 35