摘 要
本文描述试题生成流程,紧接着陈述了设计的原理和设计用到的工具包括ECLIPSE、JSP 、Dreamweaver MX 、SQL2000、JAVASCRIPT ;之后进入准备部分,在这里进行了系统的需求分析,给出了试题生成的过程图和数据流程图;接下来是全文的主体部分,详细的实现了一个试题生成系统解决方案。
关键词:JAVA, JSP, ECLIPSE,试题生成,Dreamweaver MX ,
University Senate in the management of a very important job is to test the management of the various professional examinations each semester, from the organization to the volume of printing papers and paper management is very cumbersome and heavy workload, the management of such organizations tasks not only heavy but also the standardization of the test, degree of difficulty, the volume of the size of title and other difficult to control, it is difficult to form an effective test database, is not conducive to giving full play to the best over the years the role of questions and examination papers, examination questions and examination papers to the management of bring a lot of problems and difficulties. In these circumstances, the use of computers to automatically generate paper and gradually accumulated to form an effective test library, for the management of questions and examination papers will become efficient and convenient, to improve the work efficiency, so that step by step test management automation and standardization will play a a very important role.
This article describes the test generation process, followed by a statement of the principles of design and design tools used, including ECLIPSE, JSP, Dreamweaver MX, SQL2000, JAVASCRIPT; preparation to enter the part after, where a systematic needs analysis, given the questions generated the process of map and data flow charts; followed by the main part of the full text of detailed questions to achieve a generation of system solutions.
Key Words: java, jsp, eclipse, Test generation , Dreamweaver mx

目 录 20000字
摘 要 I
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1.开发该系统的依据及意义 1
1.2.国内外研究现状及发展趋势 1
第二章 系统开发工具及环境介绍 3
2.1.开发工具 3
2.1.1.Dreamweaver MX 3
2.1.2.SQL2000介绍 4
2.1.3.Eclipse 7
2.1.4.Tomcat 5.5 8
2.2.试卷生成系统环境配置 9
2.2.1.开发软件环境的搭建 9
2.2.2.开发硬件环境 10
2.3.JSP技术概述 10
第三章 系统的详细设计 16
3.1.系统功能模块 16
3.2系统总体设计 16
3.3.数据库设计与分析 17
第四章 系统设计与实现 20
4.1.系统设计与实现 20
4.1.1.管理登陆模块 20
4.1.2.用户管理功能模块 22
4.1.3.题库管理模块 24
4.1.4.试卷管理模块 27
4.1.5.密码修改模块 30
4.1.6用户帮助模块 31
4.2.网站测试 31
4.2.1.测试的主要方面 32功能测试 32性能测试 33
第五章 研究结论与未来研究 34
5.1 .主要创新点 34
5.1.1三层B/S架构 34
5.1.2.数据库连接池技术 35
5.2 存在的不足和以后的研究方向 36
参考文献 37
致 谢 38
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