摘 要
论文将设计一个学生宿舍管理系统的Web应用解决方案并予以实现。学生宿舍管理系统是一个安全和高效的专用系统,。这个系统使用了很多技术,比如JSP,JDBC等。专用系统使用的数据库是SQL Server 2005 数据库。基于JSP学生宿舍管理系统的主要功能包括:可以实现对学生宿舍信息的录入功能,修改功能,删除功能。通过系统上述功能实现宿舍管理部门对于学生宿舍信息的日常管理,即方便宿舍管理人员及时全面地掌握学生住宿情况及宿舍分配情况;为用户(管理用户和一般用户,如学生)提供了一些简单的数据查询并输出各种信息等;在实现检索迅速和查找方便的同时,对新入校学生很快地进行宿舍安排等日常管理。
关键字:宿舍管理,学生宿舍信息,B/S模式;SQL Server 2005
With the popularity of computers and use, current management has improved a notch, and gradually achieve a paperless office, from the original manual records management into the integrated management of the computer. Colleges and universities are research positions, dormitory management of logistics should also be changed the traditional manual management, more information, times of, saving manpower and resources and improve efficiency. Each dormitory is the student life in school, learning, the main place to communicate with each other, how to provide a good student hostel management system is critical for schools and students. Dormitory Management is basically the previous manual operation is still in the stage, with the computer technology and network technology becomes more widely used, the use of computers and networks to manage the student hostel, with good prospects. Based on this, developing the student dormitory management software.
Thesis, a student hostel management system solutions and Web applications to be realized. Student hostel management system is a safe and efficient dedicated system. The system uses a number of technologies such as JSP, JDBC and so on. Dedicated system using the database is SQL Server 2005 database. Dormitory Management System based on JSP main features include: can the student dormitories information input function, modify the function, delete function. Through the system to achieve the above functions for the student hostel dormitory management information, daily management, the management staff to facilitate timely accommodation of students fully grasp the allocation of accommodation and hostels; for the user (management of users and general users, such as students) to provide some simple data query and export all kinds of information; in achieving rapid and find easy to retrieve the same time, new students quickly into the arrangements for the daily management of the hostel.
Keywords: dormitory management, information on student hostels, B / S mode; SQL Server 2005
1) 学生信息管理功能:主要是添加学号,姓名,性别,年龄,政治面貌,班级,登录帐号以及登录密码等属性,也可以删除不存在的学生。
2) 宿舍信息管理功能:主要是添加房间号,学生人数,学生班级和楼号等属性,也可以删除无用的宿舍信息。
3) 公告信息管理功能:设置学校的静校时间和熄灯时间。
4) 卫生检查信息功能:主要是录入卫生检查信息,查询卫生检查信息以及根据得分排名。
5) 保修审批功能:学生使用系统申报需要修的设备,管理员使用保修审批功能进行操作。
1) 保修模块:学生可以添加保修信息,并且查看我的保修。
2) 卫生排名信息:可以查看各宿舍卫生排名的信息。
