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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313631 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313631

摘要:我们研究NS2中AODV路由协议的仿真。在研究中我们使用CYGWIN平台安装NS2仿真软件来模拟AODV路由协议的一些性能。 研究包括AODV协议的平均延迟,归一化路由开销,分组传投递率和路由负载用于了解AODV路由协议的网络性能,仿真实验是在前期搭建的仿真平台上运行。 通过对实验数据的分析,我们知道AODV路由协议的一些优点,和不足之处。得出一些最佳工作环境,最后总结出结论:AODV路由协议适用于中小型网络场合。
关键字:NS2 , AODV, 仿真,路由协议
Research and Development of AODV
Routing Protocol in NS2
Abstract: We study the simulation of AODV routing protocol in NS2. In the study we use CYGWIN platform to install NS2 simulation software to simulate AODV routing protocol some of the performance. The study includes the average delay of the AODV protocol, the normalized routing overhead, the packet delivery rate and the routing load to understand the network performance of the AODV routing protocol. The simulation experiment is run on the simulation platform. Through the analysis of experimental data, we know some of the advantages and disadvantages of AODV routing protocol. Draw some of the best working environment, and finally concluded that: AODV routing protocol for small and medium-sized network occasions.
Keywords: NS2, AODV, simulation, routing protocol
摘要    1
1绪论    3
1.1项目背景及意义    3
1.2国内外研究现状    3
1.3论文结构介绍    3
2AD HOC网络    4
2.1无线网络通信技术简介    4
2.2AD HOC网络的发展    4
2.3AD HOC网络工作原理    4
2.4AD HOC网络特性及应用    5
2.4.2AD HOC 网络应用...............5
3NS2 仿真      5
3.1NS2仿真平台介绍    6
3.2 仿真平台搭建    6
3.2.1 cygwin    6
3.2.2安装NS2在CYGWIN平台上    7
4AODV路由协议    8
4.1 按需路由协议介绍    8
4.2AODV路由协议简介    8
5仿真研究    9
5.1仿真流程    9
5.2场景测试    10
5.3简要命令及部分代码    11
6仿真结果    14
6.1 端到端时延    14
6.2 路由开销    15
6.3路由负载    16
6.4 分组投递率..............11
7 总结    20
参考文献    21
致谢    22
