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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313640 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313640

摘  要

This paper mainly studied the network payment online payment and the corresponding payment processes, and each process analysis, based on the analysis of the process, find out some deficiencies in present in the payment network, the corresponding improved method to find flaws.
At present, online payment accounts for a large proportion of Internet use, becoming an integral part. Various payment methods have emerged, which will inevitably be some way to pay because of dragons and fishes jumbled together, given some payment payment interface is simple and easy, just a developer can according to this SDK will be integrated to build their own APP or website, and become a fast payment platform of their own. In this case, online payment security is threatened, so this thesis focuses on the two methods of payment are discussed, find some defects in the present stage of the payment or can be improved, and use their own knowledge to analysis, will be part of the improved defect description.
Key Words:Payment method;Payment process;Hidden danger;Analysis Countermeasures

第1章 绪论    1
第2章 网络支付种类    2
2.1网银支付    2
2.2 第三方支付    2
第3章 支付种类流程    4
3.1网银支付流程    4
3.1.1个人网银支付模式    4
3.1.2企业网银支付模式    5
3.1.3非网上购物交易的网上银行支付模式    6
3.2第三方支付流程    7
3.2.1支付网关模式第三方交易流程    7
3.2.2账户支付模式第三方支付交易流程    8
3.2.3ChinaPay支付    10
第4章 网络支付流程存在的安全隐患    13
4.1网上银行支付存在的安全问题    13
4.1.1网上银行支付中银行面临的风险和安全问题    13
4.1.2网上银行支付中客户面临的风险和安全问题    13
4.2第三方支付面临的安全问题    14
4.2.1宏观讨论    14
4.2.2微观讨论    14
第5章 改进方法    16
5.1加密算法的改进    16
5.1.1 HASH算法及其改进    16
5.1.2 RSA算法及其改进    18
5.2支付协议的改进    19
5.2.1 SSL协议与SET协议    19
5.2.2SET协议的改进    20
5.3认证方式的改进    21
5.3.1 数字签名技术的改进    21
5.3.2 身份识别技术的改进    24
第6章 总结及展望    26
6.1论文总结    26
6.2论文的展望    26
参考文献    27
致  谢    28
