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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313654 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313654

摘  要 现代社会经济高速发展,人们对网络服务的要求不断提高,网络扮演的角色重要性不言而喻。对于网络来说,容量和规模上扩大只是起点。丰富网络功能,满足人类越来越高的需求才是重中之重。本篇系统的介绍了企业局域网的基本概念和组建企业局域网应该注意的具体事项,如:网络拓扑结构、网络布线及网络IP地址规划和分配等相关技术。通过对汉东市政需求的分析,结合实际情况,全面的对组建企业局域网的全过程,对组建过程中的每一项都做了详细的阐述。
关键词 企业局域网;  拓扑结构;  综合布线;  IP地址规划

Enterprise Network Planning and Implementation
Abstract  With the development of national economy,People will enter network-rization society step by step, The request meeting serving as a result to the network is improved unceasingly, network significance will lay stress on Yue Lai Yue. The network is going to expand step by step on capacities and scale not only, wants the function expanding the person unceasingly, to be used to satisfy more and more high need of human being too. This sheet system basic concept having introduced and concrete item forming a local area network ought to pay attention to such as: Relevance technologies such as planning and assigning network topology structure, network arrangement of wire and network IP address. By the analysis that the city needs to the computer, have done detailed expounding all round to the entire proceeding forming a local area network, to every one in forming process with a view of reality.
Keywords  Local Area Network;  Topology Structuer;  Synthetical Arrangement of wire;  IP Address Pla



目    录
摘要及关键词    1
1 前言    1
1.1 企业局域网的定义及特征    1
1.2 企业局域网的基本构件    1
1.3 企业局域网的拓扑结构类型    1
2 需求分析与通信规范分析    2
2.1 组织机构与业务调查    2
2.2 信息点数量表与分布    3
2.3 网络需求    3
2.4 网络流量计算分析    4
2.5 网络设计原则    5
2.6 建立企业局域网目标    5
3 网络逻辑结构设计    5
3.1 逻辑网络拓扑图    6
3.2 网段划分/VLAN划分    6
3.3 IP地址分配    7
3.4 Internet接入方案    8
3.5 安全方案    9
4 网络物理结构设计    9
4.1 综合布线方案    10
4.2 设备选型及依据    10
4.3 设备和部件详细列表清单    12
4.4 物理网络拓扑图    13
5 结论    13
参考文献    14
致谢    16
