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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313657 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313657

关键词:网络规划 交换 网络安全 无线

The attributes of todayundefineds education have been broken down by the information age, and regional separations have been broken by the widespread Internet. This has fallen behind the traditional training and education institutions of earlier times. This requires that when adjusting the development strategy, It is necessary to analyze and consider the new models of modern education: the separation of time, the separation of space, the separation of teachers and students, and the separation of teaching and management. The information platform will also serve as the basis for all this. By means of network planning technology and the principle of computer network, the task of network planning and design is to plan, design and implement network engineering to provide users with high speed, reliability, economy and security. Convenient network to meet the needs of users.
 Schindler education network scale is large, need to adopt the principle of hierarchical design. We use a lot of network technology to realize this network system. The network planning and design is realized by planning and implementing wireless network, integrating cloud computing with network deployment, setting up and optimizing mobile Internet, deploying safely in cyberspace and setting up cloud computing network service environment. From the aspects of switching, routing, wireless, security and so on, we choose suitable network equipment to realize group network security, smooth and fast access. The network server is set up on this basis to provide network service.
Keywords:  network planning;switching;network security;wireless


内容摘要:    I
Abstract    II
文献综述    III
1. 系统概述    1
1.1 网络规划背景    1
1.2 主要技术介绍    1
1.2.1虚拟局域网技术介绍    1
1.2.2 RLDP端口防环技术    2
1.2.3 DHCP 动态主机技术介绍    2
1.2.4 MSTP+VRRP技术    2
1.2.5.网络设备虚拟化技术    3
1.2.6路由技术介绍    3
1.2.7 无线局域网组建技术    4
1.2.8 操作系统概述    4
2  网络需求分析    6
2.1 网络业务需求    6
2.2  网络设备选型    6
3  网络拓扑设计    8
3.1 网络拓扑说明    8
3.2 网络拓扑连线要求与说明    9
4  网络部署及配置    11
4.1 虚拟局域网及IPv4地址部署    11
4.2 局域网规避环路部署方案    14
4.3  DHCP中继与服务安全部署    15
4.4  MSTP+VRRP部署    18
4.5  网络设备虚拟化    20
4.6  总分机构IPV4路由协议部署    21
4.7  运营商EGP路由协议部署    23
4.8   网络连通性测试    29
5  移动互联网搭建与网优    31
5.1 无线网络基础部署    31
5.2 无线性能优化    33
6  出口安全防护与远程接入    34
6.1  出口NAT部署    34
6.2  全局流表策略部署    34
6.3  Web Portal用户认证部署    34
6.4  流量应用控制部署    34
6.5  用户行为策略部署    34
6.6  数据分流与负载均衡    35
6.7  VPN部署    35
6.8  网络设备安全技术    35
7  网络服务器的搭建    36
7.1  域网络构建与组策略应用    36
7.1.1  域控制器的安装    36
7.1.2计算机加入或脱离域    36
7.2  DNS服务器的架设    38
7.3  WWW服务器的搭建    41
7.4  服务器安全策略    43
7.4.1  帐户策略的设置    43
7.4.2  防火墙的配置    46
8  结束语    48
参考文献    49
致谢    50
