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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313659 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313659


Design of a middle school campus network project
【Abstract】The extent to which Internet is being used in schools is increasing, and so is the level of popularity. The statistical results showed that the campus information network in schools in the United States and construction of up to 90% and Internet have been connected, major universities in China have started construction, and some schools have completed the internal information network school. Almost all colleges and universities in Guangdong have built their own internal network, including technical secondary schools are also included. So, the construction of school intranet can be said to be a move also look far ahead from a high plane, a very urgent matter. The construction of campus network, the school management departments and administrative departments at all levels, education and scientific research in schools will have some positive effects, but can not only improve the level of teaching and research, management level and work efficiency, but also greatly enhance the visibility of the school. In fact, the so-called campus network is to link each campus information equipment to form a local area network. Computer is an important component of it, of course, other elements of network technology and application software is also essential. Campus network is an integrated application system, which serves the school management and education. The campus network has the function of communicating with the remote residence, which has the function of resource sharing. In this paper, the campus network as a detailed project requirements and solutions.
【Key Words】campus network;local area network;wide area network;


第一章 绪论    1
1.1选题原因    1
1.2设计指导思想    1
1.3设计目标    1
第二章 相关技术知识    1
2.1以太网    1
2.2.VLAN(虚拟局域网)    2
第三章 校园网络现在和问题分析    2
3.1校园网络现状    2
3.2网络处在的缺陷    3
第四章 分析的用户需求    3
第五章 对于功能的要求    4
第六章 系统设计原则与设备选择原则    4
6.1系统设计原则    4
6.2关于主要的网络设备的选择纲领    5
第七章 系统集成设计方案概述    6
7.1概述网络系统    6
7.2系统服务器    6
7.3系统的布线    7
第八章 新建校园网的拓扑结构    10
8.1网络拓扑设计说明    10
8.2 VLAN及IP地址规划    11
第九章 设备配置    11
9.1设备的选择    11
9.2 网络配置    17
9.2.1路由配置    17
9.2.2OSPF配置    19
9.3交换机配置    20
9.4 软件配置    22
9.4.1DHCP配置    23
9.4.2 WEB配置    24
9.4.3 DNS 配置    25
第十章 总结    26
第十一章 参考文献    26
