来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1632461 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1632461
摘 要
【关键词】校园网设计 局域网 网络技术 网络设备
21st century is a economic era based of knowledge. Knowledge economy based on the production, dissemination and application of knowledge and information will lead or guide the world economy. National conmprehensive strength and international competitiveness increasingly depends on the develop of education, science and knowledge innovation. Education will take an more and more important position in the development of economy and society. Otherwise, with the rapid development of modern science and technology, the worldwide wave of information overwhelming. Information in China is evolving at an unexpected speed and intensity. Using modern information tehnology to achieve sunch projects as computer education or distance education, campus network and education resources center is planning and in construction.
In this paper, the development history of campus network is described, the main networking tehnology of campus network is investigated, and the topology of that and the work of a few devices is discussed in detail. On these basis and the actual situations, we consider the importance and necessity of campus network and bring forward basic goals in the Second Foreign Languages School of Chongqing. Aim at the specific needs of campus LAN, we proposed the principle of construction, pick out the technology type, network topology and devices. In addition, we put forward some commands and demands on the routing scheme.
【Key words】Campus Network Design LAN Network Technology Network Equipment
① 学习了校园网设计中可能涉及到的一些技术,了解了ATM、FDDI、快速以太网和千兆以太网这几种主流的局域网主干组网技术,学习了以太网交换机的工作原理,为完成重庆第二外国语学校的校园网系统设计打下技术基础。
② 通过实地的调查和对校方相关老师的访问等方式,对重庆市第二外国语学校校园网建设的需求进行了深入的了解和分析,以此为基础,设计出了适合该学校的校园网系统。设计中包含了网络拓扑设计、网络设备选型等。
③ 对第二外国语学校校园网建设的布线方案进行了简要的介绍,对线缆的选择和和铺设做了相应的要求与建议,提出简要的施工流程和注意事项。
