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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16312011 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16312011

摘  要

Design and production about Chatting Room
In today's popular social network, the Internet became more and more people's choice. Resulted in the rapid development of Internet chat rooms and the emergence and rapid development, and chatting online is bound to become an in dispensable part of Internet users. Chat rooms as a part to attract popular in modern web applications everywhere. Its role is to provide a different place for the exchange of information. Chat rooms while also greatly save the amount of people's letters and phone volume. Therefore, the development of a across time and space constraints on the online chat room is where the situation.
Chat room system as a convenient link between the people and the people using the system have come into being. Online chat system to communicate and contact people to provide a platform. By providing comprehensive management of the Internet chat system, can achieve to promote exchanges and contacts between people of purpose.
This design introduces the development background of the chat room, the environment and the significance, set out the implementation of web-based chat room and the system database during the design and implementation process. Some online chat rooms by domestic and international analysis, obtained by PHP and other technologies to implement a web-based chat room program. Which is mainly related to technology Tong guo basic knowledge of PHP, such as through scripting languages PHP, PHP's built object, PHP and database connections and other technologies, discusses Jian li chat room design ideas, methods and design process, detailed Analysis of the function of each module and its realization. It also has some practical relevance, the main achievement of the features are: user login, user private chat, public chat, user messages, save the current chat, view and modify personal information, change the font color and so on. As a background server database using the MYSQL; use development tools and technologies: APACHE, PHPMYSQL, HTML, PHP and so on. The chat room's user interface is simple and convenient, easy-to-user operation, the basic desired effect.
Key Words:PHP,Chatting Room,APACHE,Database,HTML



目   录
引言    1
第一章  概述    2
1.1 开发背景    2
1.2 开发意义    2
第二章  系统开发环境及技术综述    4
2.1 软件环境    4
2.2 PHP简介    4
2.3 MYSQL简介    6
第三章  系统需求分析    8
3.1 系统功能分析    8
3.2 系统功能需求    8
3.2.1系统功能模块划分设计    8
3.2.2功能描述    9
3.3 性能需求    9
3.3.1准确性    10
3.3.2时效性    10
3.3.3时间特性    10
3.4 系统性能需求    10
3.4.1操作可行性    10
3.4.2技术上的可行性    11
3.5系统设计目标    11
第四章  系统总体设计    12
4.1 功能设计    12
4.2 系统流程图设计    13
4.2.1用户登录    13
4.2.2用户管理    14
4.2.3消息传输    14
第五章  数据库设计    15
5.1 数据库需求分析    16
5.2 数据库的概要设计    16
5.3 数据库详细设计    17
5.3.1 数据库逻辑结构    17
5.3.2 数据表结构的详细设计    17
第六章  系统的开发与实现    19
6.1 开发环境    19
6.1.1硬件环境    19
6.1.2软件环境    19
6.2 客户端系统的功能的实现    20
6.2.1用户登录、注册模块的实现    20
6.2.2即时通讯消息处理    23
6.2.3清屏模块的实现    24
结  论    25
参考文献    26
谢  辞    27
附录    28
