摘 要
随着电子技术和互联网以及移动互联网络的发展,信息技术以一种工具方式被引入到现在的商贸活动中,从而产生了电子商务(Electronic Commerce,EC),网络已经深入到各行各业,而使用电子商务作为团购渠道的人也日渐增多,未来更有可能对实体店销售模式造成重大的冲击,成为人们团购方式的主流,电子商务团购网站便是基于这样的背景下,应用B/S(BROWSER/SERVER)架构,有效运用INTERNET技术的辅助,开设网上团购平台,有效的降低运营成本,提高经营效益,实现消费者的网上团购和在线电子支付的一种新型的商业运营模式。
The design and implementation of group
With the development of electronic technology and the Internet and mobile Internet networks , information technology tools in a way to be introduced to the current commercial activities, resulting in the e-commerce, the network has penetrated all walks of life , and use of e-commerce as a shopping channel who is also increasing , the future is more likely to have a significant impact on the store sales model , become the mainstream way of shopping , e-commerce shopping site is based on such a background , the application of B / S architecture , the effective use of INTERNET technology assistance, open online shopping platform , effectively reduce operating costs, improve operational efficiency and achieve a new business model consumers' online shopping and online electronic payments.
In this paper, the development of e-commerce and various businesses expect demand for independent product sales through the Internet the way , was designed based on B / S mode of online shopping systems , use of various technologies related station , as well as the process to achieve the reference department store shopping online shopping system. This paper describes the design process on the website , the module parameters, and each module functions. The main construction of the site from the front and back office management operations of two parts . Reception operation provides web browsing and querying of goods to customers , compare and buy goods and other functions. The Management is the most important sites of the foot , not only the site of product display, user information collection and collation and subsequent order generation , logistics, customer service, sales support and other value-added services . Composed of six parts throughout the site by the system setting module, category management module , commodity management module , order management module , message management module, management module evaluation . Achieved through the function of each module individually , and effective link between the front and back of each module , so that the smooth realization of the demand function of the site .
Keywords : e-commerce, online store , B / S mode , PHP

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 本课题主要工作 3
1.3.1设计内容和思路 3
2 相关技术简介 4
2.1 PHP相关简介 4
2.2 数据库简介 6
2.3 Apache简介 8
2.4 Eclipse简介 8
2.5 B/S架构编程体系 9
3 系统分析 10
3.1用户需求分析 10
3.2 系统设计目标 11
3.3 系统可行性分析 11
3.4 系统功能需求概述 12
3.5 系统设计规则 13
3.6 业务流程设计 13
3.7 数据库设计 14
3.7.1 数据库设计规范 14
3.7.2 数据库概念模型 15
3.7.3 数据表字段设计 16
4 系统设计与实现 19
4.1 系统主要功能 19
4.2 系统各个功能模块实现 20
4.2.1 数据库连接实现 20
4.2.2 登录功能实现 21
4.2.3 分类管理模块实现 23
4.2.4 商品管理模块实现 24
4.2.5 订单管理实现 27
4.2.6 后台管理实现 28
5 总结 31
参考文献 32
致谢 34