摘 要
Design and implementation of the database
My graduation thesis topic is the design and implementation of the database, so I design a personnel information management system based on LAMP environment database design and implementation. In order to complete the design, I put the server in Linux, use CentOS6.5 operating system. The client can use WINDOWS can also use Linux. Because the Linux has reliable security, stability, so often use Linux to build server. Commonly used structures under Linux environment has the LAMP and LNMP, and we use LuManager here, this is an integrated development environment, can support the LAMP and LNMP, and build a convenient, so the system set up by using LuManager.
Today's society, the personnel information management is becoming more and more important in enterprises and government departments, but many departments still use the traditional manual approach, this way the efficiency is low, change is difficult, low security, therefore with the database by computer and server to manage the personnel information is more and more important. The database design and implementation of the personnel information management system is on the premise of this development.
Keywords: Personal Information Management System,LAMP environment,database
(1) 人事管理。
(2) 统计管理
(3) 工资管理
(4) 系统管理
(5) 管理员信息描述

目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 开发工具的选择 1
1.2.1 PHP 1
1.2.2 MySQL 2
1.2.3 LuManager 3
1.3 开发环境 3
2 数据库介绍 4
2.1 数据库发展 4
2.2 数据库技术 4
2.3 SQL简介 5
2.3.1 SQL查询功能 6
2.3.2 SQL数据更新功能 6
3 系统分析及总体设计 8
3.1 系统需求分析 8
3.2 可行性研究 8
3.2.1 营运可行性 8
3.2.2 技术可行性 8
3.2.3 经济可行性 9
3.3 系统功能分析 9
3.4 系统的总体设计 10
4 系统的业务流程设计 12
4.1 业务流程描述 12
4. 2 业务流程图 12
5 系统的详细设计及功能实现 13
5.1 数据库设计 13
5.1.1 数据库需求分析 13
5.1.2 数据库概念结构设计 13
5.1.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 16
5.2 系统的实现 19
5.2.1 系统首页设计 19
5.2.2 人事管理模块设计 19
5.2.3 统计管理模块设计 20
5.2.4 工资管理模块设计 21
5.2.5 系统管理模块设计 22
6 系统的测试 23
6.1 测试计划执行请况 23
6.1.1 身份认证测试 23
6.1.2 人事信息查询模块测试 23
6.1.3 人事信息维护模块测试 23
6.1.4 工资信息查询模块测试 23
6.1.5 工资信息维护模块测试 24
6.1.6 统计模块测试要点 24
6.2 简评 24
6.2.l 软件功能实现 24
6.2.2 缺陷和不足 24
6.2.3 建议 24
6.2.4 测试结论 24
7 结论 25
参考文献 26
致谢 27