摘 要
Travel website design and implementation
With the development of Internet technology, the gradual popularization of the Internet in China, there is also a growing demand for network, it is imperative to take advantage of tourism resources in computer management. The system uses Dreamweaver to write PHP scripts, MYSQL database, from the simple interface and practical requirements, and completed the main part of tourism resource management, including registration module, line view of functional modules, line query module message board module, page management module, site news, user registration, attractions in query, admin and so on. Users can view the latest travel information Web site, popular tourist routes. For website managers, administrators can login through a specialized administrator to modify content in the database, or update the site's content, so that users get the latest data.
Tourism is an emerging industry has achieved rapid development in recent years, travel agencies have sprung up all over the country, currently there is a small tourist industry in General, lack of management weaknesses. Because travel is involved in food, housing, transportation, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment, and many other elements, and these elements are dispersed in different geographical areas, one cannot fully grasp all the information.
This site's main page using Dreamweaver to build, the software can save you a lot of HTML and other languages written you can get good results. The establishment is built with MYSQL for the database, the software is Windows's can save some MYSQL statements prepared, but MYSQL does not support remote access capability, which is also its weakness. Database access and coupling is mainly done through some PHP statements. The administrator interface is constructed by Dreamweaver,PHP simple.
Keywords: tourism,PHP, database,website
4.1.1 注册模块
4.1.2 线路的查看功能模块
4.1.3 线路查询模块
4.1.4 酒店预订模块
4.1.5 留言板模块
主要用于用户与管理员之间的交流用,同样只有注册用户才能使用此功能,首先要进行身份验证,再检查数据库中是否有数据,如果有就显示出来 ,最后通过表单接收用户提交的内容并将其写入数据库。
4.1.6 页面管理模块
4.1.7 线路管理
4.1.8 景点管理模块
4.1.9 留言板管理模块

目 录
1绪论 1
1.1旅游网站的研究背景 1
1.2旅游网站的发展 1
1.3旅游网站的现状 1
2电子商务简介 3
2.1电子商务的来临 3
2.2电子商务的概念 3
2.3电子商务在中国的发展 3
2.4企业网站的建立及电子商务的意义 4
3开发软件及应用技术简介 6
3.1 PHP简介 6
3.1.1 PHP的技术特点 6
3.1.2 PHP技术的工作原理 6
3.1.3 PHP在旅游网站中的应用 7
3.2 Apache简介 7
3.3 Dreamweaver简介 8
3.4 MySQL 9
4网站系统分析 11
4.1需求分析 11
4.1.1注册模块 11
4.1.2线路的查看功能模块 11
4.1.3线路查询模块 11
4.1.4酒店预订模块 11
4.1.5留言板模块 11
4.1.6页面管理模块 11
4.1.7线路管理 12
4.1.8景点管理模块 12
4.1.9留言板管理模块 12
4.2网站系统结构图 12
4.2.1总结构图 12
4.2.2所实现的功能图 13
4.2.3新闻系统结构图 13
5网站的具体设计 14
5.1网站的制作与运行环境 14
5.2网站数据库的建立 14
5.3网站的制作 17
5.4系统数据连接技术方案 17
6 网站系统的实现 19
6.1网站首页 19
6.2站内新闻 21
6.3线路查询 22
6.4酒店信息 24
6.5用户注册 26
6.6后台登陆 27
6.7系统用户管理 28
6.8新闻添加模块 30
6.9用户查询模块 31
7结论 34
参 考 文 献 35
致 谢 36