摘 要
A Laboratory Equipment Management System of Colleges and Universities base on Web
In today's Internet is very popular society, more and more people's choices and the Internet. The development of computer technology by leaps and bounds, for the people's production and life are of great change and leap type development, People's Daily life is inseparable from the computer network. In future society, people's life and work will be more and more dependent on the Internet and the development of digital technology, will become more and more digital, network, electronic and virtualization. The development of the computer and the present application situation and development trend, make the network technology will be a big change in our way of life and work, even has some changes in social values.
This design mainly introduces the experimental equipment management system development background, the development environment and development significance, the implementation process of test equipment management in colleges and universities is expounded, and the system database design realization process. Through the analysis of some equipment management systems at home and abroad, is obtained using technologies such as PHP to implement a test equipment management plan. Its main is according to the basic knowledge of PHP technology related, such as through the PHP scripting language, PHP's built-in objects, some technologies such as PHP with a database connection analysis, discusses the design thought of equipment management system, method and design process, analyzes the functions of each module in detail and its implementation method. The system also has a certain feasible practicability, mainly the functions are: administrator login, register, password back, the administrator of equipment information of add, delete, modify, check. The background using the MySQL database server. The equipment management system, simple and convenient operation, easy to administrator operation, achieves the expected effect.
Keywords: PHP; Equipment management ;Eclipse;Database
4.1 系统功能分析
4.2 系统功能需求
4.2.1 系统功能模块划分
(3) 删除试验设备信息
(4) 修改试验设备信息
(5) 增加试验设备信息
(6) 试验设备信息分组管理

目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 开发背景 1
1.2 课题的目的和意义 1
2 开发技术及环境 4
2.1 软件环境 4
2.2 PHP简介 4
2.3 MYSQL简介 6
2.4 AJAX简介 7
2.5 CSS简介 8
3 系统开发工具及容器 9
3.1 Apache 9
3.2 Eclipse 9
4 系统需求分析 11
4.1 系统功能分析 11
4.2 系统功能需求 11
4.2.1 系统功能模块划分 11
4.2.2 功能描述 12
4.3 系统性能需求 13
4.3.1 操作可行性 14
4.3.2 技术上的可行性 14
4.3.3 社会上的可行性 14
4.4 系统运行条件需求 14
4.4.1 硬件接口 14
4.4.2 软件接口 15
4.5 系统设计目标 15
5 系统总体设计 16
5.1 功能设计 16
5.2 系统体系结构的设计 17
5.2.1 管理员登录 17
5.2.2 设备管理 20
6 数据库设计 21
6.1 数据库需求分析 21
6.2 数据库概要设计 21
6.3数据库详细设计 21
6.3.1 数据库逻辑结构 21
6.3.2 数据库表结构的详细设计 22
7系统功能的实现 25
7.1 管理员登录、注册模块的实现 25
7.2 修改管理员信息模块的实现 27
7.3 系统设置模块的实现 28
7.4 权限配置管理模块的实现 30
7.5 添加权限、管理员,权限管理等功能 30
7.6 相册管理模块 37
7.7 设备分类模块的实现 40
7.8 设备管理模块的实现 44
7.9 设备添加编辑模块的实现 44
结 论 46
参考文献 47
致 谢 48