With the development of modern science and technology level and the reform of education system, people have a deeper understanding about education, pay more attention to their practice ability. In order to improve the students' practical ability, increasing training course in the student has become a trend of the present university education.
This thesis mainly studies the student training project of a kind of teaching method,students training management system is used to the process of training programs for students and student performance management, this approach can largely reduce the teacher's training work but also can strengthen the students' practical ability.
This thesis introduces the project background of students training management system and research significance, second introduces the research at home and abroad and the key technology of the project design, then does the requirement analysis. Finally the paper introduces the design of the whole system and methods. This system mainly uses HUSTOJ system to the content of the training project of the students to submit, and uses MySQL database for data management. Using Java language to make main body, and the technology of PHP, and the Tomcat server, completing the student information batch import and export to create, password modification, performance and basic function such as check. Applications of students training management system to improve the students' ability of practice and teaching efficiency.
Key Word:HUSTOJ; Practical Performance Management; Java; PHP

第1章绪论 1
1.1项目背景 1
1.2研究意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状 2
1.3.1国外研究现状 2
1.3.2国内研究现状 2
1.4设计内容与组织层次结构 3
1.5本章小结 3
第2章相关技术介绍 4
2.2Tomcat服务器 4
2.3Java技术 4
2.4MySQL数据库 4
第3章系统需求分析 5
3.1系统角色分析 5
3.1.1管理员 5
3.1.2教师 5
3.1.3学生 6
3.2系统用例分析 6
3.2.1管理员用例分析 6
3.2.2教师用例分析 7
3.2.3学生用例分析 7
3.3系统活动分析 8
3.3.1管理员活动图 8
3.3.2教师活动图 9
3.3.3学生活动图 9
3.4系统功能需求分析 10
3.4.1注册 10
3.4.2登录 10
3.4.3修改密码 11
3.4.4导入名单 11
3.4.5提交程序 11
3.4.6查看成绩 11
3.4.7导出成绩 11
3.4.8评价 11
3.4.9综合成绩 11
3.5性能需求 12
3.6系统开发环境 12
3.7本章小结 12
第4章系统设计 13
4.1系统体系结构设计 13
4.2Lamp 13
4.3系统数据库设计 14
4.3.1主要实体设计 14
4.3.2主要实体关系图设计 16
4.3.3数据表设计 17
4.4本章小结 18
第5章系统关键功能模块实现 19
5.1系统开发环境 19
5.2 HUSTOJ搭建 19
5.3登录与注册的功能 20
5.4学生信息导入 21
5.5管理员权限管理 22
5.6成绩导出 23
5.7查询成绩 24
5.8综合成绩认定 25
5.9提交代码 25
5.10修改密码 26
5.11本章小结 26
第6章总结与展望 27
6.1总结 27
6.2展望 27
参考文献 29
致谢 30