摘 要
关键词:PHP 服务器 数据库
With the popularization of computer and the development of Internet, more and more people have accepted the convenient and fast transaction form of the electronic commerce, Because of the rapid urban life rhythm, people's living and working time becomes increasingly valuable, people often search for dinner with spending a lot of time.In this case, the on-line meal ordering is also become popular.
First, we briefly introduce the domestic network technology and the information industries situation as well as the research situation, elaborate the solution of on-line meal ordering system as well as its significance. Next, we analysis how to implement this system function, plan system flow and design the logical organization of system database, introduce the development language, the development kit, and the necessary plug-in units which are used in the development process as well as development of platform. Finally, the on-line meal ordering system of the B/S structure is designed and implemented, it emphatically elaborates the function and implementation of system, data flow and storage such as the member management, information introduction of order, the on-line meal ordering, user information, system user management as well as the administration of backstage database. We elaborate and analyze the entire implementation methods of the on-line meal ordering system function module with function code and pictures.
Key words: PHP ,Server ,Database

目录 2
摘 要 7
Abstract 7
第1章 概述 8
1.1课题来源 8
1.2国内外发展状况 8
1.3 文献综述 9
1.3.1 技术综述 9
1.3.2 功能综述 9
第2章 相关工具介绍 9
2.1 Apache服务器 9
2.2MySQL 数据库 10
2.3 Php 11
2.4 DreamWeaver 12
第3章 数据库设计 12
3.1需求分析 12
3.2 问题定义 12
3.3 可行性分析 12
数据库各种对象的命名必须规范。 15
3.3数据库的需求分析 15
3.3 数据库的概念设计 15
3.3数据库的逻辑设计 16
第4章 系统详细设计 17
4.1 后台登录 18
4.2 后台主页面 19
4.3修改密码 19
4.3 新增管理员 20
4.3 新增新闻类型 21
4.3 新增新闻 22
4.3新增图片 23
4.3 首页 24
4.3新闻分类页 25
4.3 新闻信息 27
第5章 系统测试 28
5.1测试方法 28
5.2 系统功能测试 29
第6章 程序编写中遇到的问题与解决方法 31
6.1 session保存数据对象丢失 31
6.2 日期的解决方法 31
6.3 php三种跳转页面方法 32
6.4 php 连接mysql 33
6.5 apache的部署 33
6.6 php文件上传方法 34
第7章 总结 36
谢 辞 37
参考文献 38