摘 要 近年来计算机技术的快速发展,特别是计算机网络的发展,越来越深刻的改变了人们生活的方方面面,使得人们能以更低廉的价格,开发出更方便、更实用的网络工具。各种在线服务系统,更是深刻的影响了人们的联系和交流方式,使得人们可以在远隔千里之遥随时通讯。过去的种种陈旧的联系方式,已经不能满足现代生活的需要。网上聊天系统作为一种方便人与人之间联系的实用系统便应运而生,为我们的工作和学习,带来极大的方便和提高工作效率。由于目前人们交流方式变得多种多样,其中聊天软件凭借其友好的外观、强大的功能、使用的便利、联系的及时等特点博得现代人的青睐,其应用的市场十分广阔。 现在,企业、机关、学校纷纷建立起自己的局域网。在局域网,虽然可以通过文件共享的方式进行通讯,但单单使用这种方式,是非常不方便的。于是就想到做一个在局域网里的多功能聊天软件,在局域网里,我们可以通过它,实现在局域网里方便的联络,进行文件传输,消息的发布,自己共享内容的简介等。在学校建立的校园网里,这软件可以方便同学之间、教师之间、师生之间的相互联络,这样,不用上Internet,还可以节省资源,在学校这个大环境里,可以方便同学之间联系,联络感情,促进同学之间的友谊,学生可以通过它来与不同寝室的同学,或教师讨论问题。并能最大限度地利用现有的网络资源,极大地提高工作效率。为了适应校园网的建设,并实现校园网内的消息发布,学生交流,师生交流,网上交作业等功能。 作为本人的毕业设计,本文介绍了个人开发的一款适用于校园的,一个局域网内的C/S结构的通讯软件,它将使同学们的交流更为方便,也可根据自身特点添加更多功能。我考虑到作为局域网(校园网)聊天工具,终端用户数量较少,借鉴了QQ、网络聊天室等即时聊天工具,聊天信息采用服务器转发方式,只要当前在线的用户都可以接收到,当然,也实现了两人之间的私聊功能。软件包括服务器程序和客户端程序,服务器包括聊天信息即时转发,自动关机的设置及记载,发送通知,数据库备份还原及数据库的初始化等功能。客户端具有登陆,注册,修改个人信息,聊天等功能。(所有权: 毕业设计网 QQ:306826066)
关键词 VB ; Access ; Winsock ; 聊天
In recent years the computer technology fast develop quickly, special the computer network development, the more and more profound change people have lived aspects. Enables the people by a more inexpensive price, develops a more convenient, the more practical network tool. Each kind of on-line service system was the profound influence people’s relation and the exchange way, caused the people to be allowed to be widely separated by the great distance the remote as necessary communication. Alls orts of past obsolete connect method, already could not satisfy the modern life. The pragmatic system that cyber buck system contacts as one kind of convenient person and person between just arises at the historic moment , is ours work and study , brings about immense going to the lavatory and raises working efficiency. Because the present people exchange the way to change many and varied, in which chats software to rely on its friendly outward appearance, the formidable function, the use convenience, the relation prompt and so on the characteristic wins modern people's favour, its application market is extremely broad. Now, the enterprise, the institution, the school all established own local area network, in local area network, although was allowed to carry on the communication through the document sharing way, but solely used this way, was extremely not convenient. Thereupon thought makes multi-purpose to chat software on-line service system, was the profound influence people's relation and the exchange way, caused the people to be allowed to be widely separated by the great distance the remote as necessary communication. Past all sorts of obsolete contact method, already could not satisfy the modern life the need. On-line chats the system to take between one kind of convenient consumer and the people relates the practical system then arises at the historic moment, for ours work and the study, will bring the enormous convenience and the enhancement working efficiency. Also because are in the local area network, in the local area network, we may through it, realize the contact which facilitates in the local area network, carries on the file transfer, the news issue, own share the content the synopsis and so on. Establishes in the campus net in the school, this software may get up between the convenient schoolmate, between the teacher, between teachers' and students' mutual contact, like this, does not use Internet, may save the resources, in school this big environment, may between the schoolmate relate, makes friendly contacts, promotes between schoolmate's friendship, the student to be allowed to come through it with the different bedroom schoolmate, the teacher to discuss the issue. And can maximum limit use the existing network resources, enormously enhances the working efficiency. In order to adapt the campus net construction, realizes in the campus net to carryon the news to issue that, the student exchanges, the teachers and students exchange, function and so on on-line work. As myself graduation project, this article introduced individual development section is suitable for the campus, in local area network C/S structure communication software, it will cause the school mates exchange to be more convenient, also might act according to own characteristic to increase multi-purpose. I considered (campus net)chats the tool as the local area network, the terminal user quantity are less, this VB multi-purpose chatted software to profit from QQ, the Internet chat room and so on promptly chatted the tool, chatted the information to use the server to retransmit the way, so long as the current on-line users all were allowed to receive, certainly, also realized two person of between privately to chat the function. Including the server procedure and the customer end procedure, the server including chats the information to retransmit immediately, automatic Shut machine down establishment and record, transmission notice, database backup return to original state and database initialization. The customer end has lands, the registration, revises individual information, chats and so on the function.
KeyWords: VB ; Access ; Winsock ; Chat
一个聊天软件应提供基于TCP/IP网络的即时消息传送、消息广播、实时聊天、文件传输等功能。列举如下: 1. 支持多账号。 2. 可以同时发送同一个消息给多人,通过输入这些人的号码列表或姓名列表。 3. 可以同时发送一个消息给所有好友。 4. 有权限的人可以向所有用户发送“消息广播”,便于消息的发布。 5. 即使用户不在线,也能通过服务器发送离线消息。 6. 提供消息、聊天的历史记录,方便对信息的查看和管理。 7. 提供查看在线的人的功能。 8. 提供按ID或姓名查找用户的功能,方便添加用户。 9. 小窗口显示,不占用屏幕很大的空间。 10. 支持热键调出后台的应用程序。 11. 应用程序运行后,在任务栏右边生成一个图标,单击弹出在线状态菜单, 双击显示应用程序窗口,右击弹出主菜单。 12. 支持隐身登陆,可以看到在线的朋友,朋友却不知道你上线了。 13. 可以实时显示用户的状态和随时改变自己的状态。 14. 提供了自动弹出消息。 15. 好友上线通知。 16. 好友下线更新 17. 有权限的人可以发系统广播(或在服务器上发) 18. 查看好友信息 19. 按姓名或号码查找某人 20. 在好友列表中删除某人(所有权: 毕业设计网 QQ:306826066) 21. 可以选择在某人的好友中删除自己 22. 更改个人信息 23. 系统设置 24. 给在线好友传文件 25. 消息管理器 26. 在程序中设定最大,最小窗口尺寸(宽度,高度) 27. 主窗口总是浮在最上端 28. 速度快,占用资源少(所有权: 毕业设计网 QQ:306826066)
系统功能模块 根据上述聊天软件的需求分析,并针对个人所掌握的知识和自己毕业设计时间的限制,要做到面面具到是不可能的。所以考虑到作为局域网(校园网)聊天工具,终端用户数量较少,本VB的多功能聊天软件借鉴了QQ、聊天室等及时聊天工具,聊天信息采用服务器转发方式,只要当前在线的用户都可以接收到,当然,也实现了两人之间的私聊功能。包括服务器程序和客户端程序,服务器包括聊天信息即时转发,自动关机的设置及记载,发送通知,数据库备份还原及数据库的初始化。客户端具有登陆,注册,修改个人信息,聊天等功能,功能比较简单,可实现聊天功能。(所有权: 毕业设计网 QQ:306826066)

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