摘 要:人事管理系统是每个公司日常管理中最重要的部分,另外,由于人事管理事物繁杂,所以也是公司耗时最多的工作。人事管理的计算机化能大大提高工作效率。使公司领导掌握人员的动向和人员的综合素质,及时调整人才的分配,能够极大地提高人事资源管理的效率,也是企业科学化、正规化管理推进经济和社会的协调发展的重要条件。作为计算机应用的一部分,使用计算机对人事信息进行管理,具有传统管理所无法比拟的优点。例如:检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大、寿命长、成本低等。这些优点能够极大提高人事管理的效率。因此,开发这样一套管理软件,对单位人事管理工作进行有效电子化管理,化简繁琐的手工操作,提高工作效率都是很有意义的事情。该设计使用Visual Basic程序设计语言和ADO技术设计开发的,利用Visual Basic 6.0提供的数据库开发平台开发前台部分,使用Access作为后台数据库,使用SQL语句进行添加、查询、删除等操作。系统实现了用户登录、注册,员工信息管理等功能,基本满足人事管理需求。
Design and Implementation of the Personnel Management Information System
Abstract: The personnel management system is every company daily management of the most important part of the personnel management, moreover, due to the multifarious, so the company is something most time-consuming work. The personnel management of computerized can greatly improve the work efficiency. The company leadership master personnel interational and comprehensive quality of personnel, adjust the distribution of talents, can greatly improve the efficiency of human resources management, but also promote scientification, thestandardized management enterprise harmonious development of economy and society of the important conditions. As a part of computer application, use the computer to manage personnel information with traditional incomparable advantages. For example: retrieves, the search rapidly convenient, the reliability high, thereserves big, long life and low cost. These merits can greatly enhance the efficiency of personnel management. Therefore, the development of such a set of management software, personnel management of unit effective electronic management, reduction tedious manual operation, improve work efficiency is very meaningful. This design USES Visual Basic programming language and ADO technology design and development, using Visual Basic 6.0 provide database development platform development receptionist parts, use Access as a backend database, using SQL statements to add, inquiry, delete operation. System realizes the user login, registered, employee information management, and other functions, basic meet personnel management needs.
Keywords: Personnel management;Information management system;Access;Database
