摘 要
关键词: 客房管理子系统;信息管理;Visual Basic。
With the development of social services sectors, the use of management software to manage the entire hotel business requirements are also gradually warming up, the hotel or guesthouse conditional use of the relevant hotel management system to address the guesthouse entirely original manual records management, low efficiency , Error-prone defects. Hotel industry on their own quality of services provided and ability to have higher requirements, hotel information management systems and are therefore more attention. Hotel Information Management System main hotel rooms hotel management, customer information management, customer add management, customer modify management, customer management features deleted.
A guesthouse information management system should include basic information management rooms, rooms, information management, Check-In Check-Out information management, and other related information management.
With the continuous expansion of the scale of guesthouses, the dramatic increase in the number of rooms, the rooms of the amount of information are also constantly have doubled and redoubled. Faced with a huge amount of information on the need to have room to improve the information management system for the efficient management of the hotel.
Traditional hand-room management, management cumbersome and complex process, the implementation of low efficiency, and ease of error. Through such a system, we can do the norms of information management and to quickly find and achieve a Room of systematic information management, standardization and automation, so not only reduced the workload management, but also improve the management efficiency and reduce the management costs.
Room’s management system for now the actual demand, the development of the C / S model rooms management system, the system interface is simple and generous; features are relatively strong, with a relatively simple operation, suitable for the majority of hotels, guesthouses use. Effective management of the paper is now difficult to solve the shortcomings. Rooms in order to protect the management of scientific, standardized and efficient.
Keywords: Rooms management systems, information management; Visual Basic.目 录

毕业设计(论文)任务书 I
摘 要 III
引 言 1
第1章 客房管理子系统的概述 2
1.1选题目的及意义 2
1.2客房管理子系统设计说明 2
1.3国内外现状 3
1.4本文主要研究内容及整体框架 3
1.4.1课题主要研究内容 3
1.4.2 本文的整体框架 4
第2章 客房管理子系统的分析 5
2.1客房管理子系统的需求分析 5
2.1.1 理解需求 5
2.1.2 需求分析 5
2.2客房管理子系统的业务流程分析 6
2.2.1 业务流程分析的目的 6
2.2.2客房管理子系统的业务流程分析 6
2.3客房管理子系统的数据流程分析 7
2.3.1 数据流程顶层图分析 7
2.3.2 数据流程一层图分析 8
2.3.3 数据流程二层图分析 8
2.3.4客房管理子系统的数据字典 10
第3章 客房管理子系统的设计 14
3.1客房管理子系统设计原则及具体功能划分 14
3.1.1模块设计原则 14
3.1.2客房管理子系统功能模块划分 14
3.2客房管理子系统配置 15
3.3代码设计 15
3.4输入/输出设计 16
3.5界面设计 16
3.6客房管理子系统的数据库设计 17
3.6.1客房管理子系统数据库设计原则 17
3.6.2客房管理子系统数据库概念设计 18
3.6.3客房管理子系统数据库逻辑设计 20
3.6.4客房管理子系统数据库物理设计 20
第4章 客房管理子系统的实现 23
4.1客房管理子系统基本信息管理功能的实现 23
4.2客房管理子系统查询功能的实现 25
4.3客房管理子系统报表输出功能的实现 27
第5章 客房管理子系统测试与结果分析 29
5.1系统功能测试方法概述 29
5.2客房管理子系统功能测试 29
5.3系统错误处理测试 30
5.4系统安全性分析 30
5.5系统实用性分析 31
第6章 结 论 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 35
附 录 36 |