摘 要
本文主要介绍了针对客户个性化促销中客户信息管理、商品信息管理和促销销售信息的管理系统设计与开发的整个过程,本文主要围绕设计并开发的商品促销管理系统进行具体的细致的研究,对该系统的市场需求有了比较理性的认识。之后通过系统采用VB语言进行开发,以SQL Server为数据库。对该系统进行了详细的研究和设计,涉及到该系统的安全性问题、实用性问题、错误处理能力等问题。主要具有客户、商品信息的录入、修改;针对客户的个性化销售;信息的查询和统计等功能。通过本系统能够对客户和商品的基本信息进行管理,特别是能针对客户的个性化销售进行简洁有效的管理,具有较高的实用性。该系统是基于C/S模式进行设计的,使用这样的模式,可以在一定程度上保证系统的安全性。
关键词:Microsoft SQL 2000,商品促销管理系统,客户关系管理
Analysis and design of CRM commodity and promotion system
China's economy is in rapid development period, the domestic business environment, a huge change, business models quickly with international practice, the operation also will be standardized, regional agencies and hypermarkets have become the two leading companies operating the most basic The way in the competition and increasingly demonstrate their strong vitality. On the resulting sales, marketing purposes must not only to drive sales and, more importantly, the brand reputation is to be enhanced so as to further expand brand loyalty and achieve sustained long-term development of the brand. Of course, the effects of promotional activities are often subject to sales promotions manager for the management of the impact. However, the consumer goods of the implementation of promotional activities, from promotional activities should be basically the theme of the design, organization and management of staff, told the media publicity, sales terminals, and so creates the atmosphere of the system in several areas.
This paper introduced the promotion of customer information, the value of information management and sales promotion of information management systems design and development of the entire process, we focus on the design and development of promotional merchandise management system specific and detailed study, the use of the software engineering thinking To complete the system of pre-market survey, the market demand of the system have a relatively rational understanding. After the system used by VB language development, to the SQL Server database. The system conducted a detailed study and design of the system related to security issues, practical issues, error-handling capabilities, and other issues. With major customers, the value of the information input, modify system maintenance, information query and statistical functions. Through this system to customers on the basic goods and information management, in particular to the promotional activities carried out simple and effective management of high relevance. The system is based on the C / S model designed to use such a model, to a certain extent, can guarantee the safety system.
Key words: Microsoft SQL 2000, promotional merchandise management system,customer relationship management
引 言 :本章介绍了本课题的背景、课题任务。

目 录 15000字
任务书 I
摘 要 II
目 录 V
引 言 1
第1章 系统概述 2
1.1选题目的及意义 2
1.2国内外现状 2
1.3本文主要研究内容及整体框架 3
第2章 系统分析 4
2.1商品促销管理系统的需求分析 4
2.2商品促销管理系统的业务流程分析 5
2.3商品促销管理系统的数据流程分析 6
第3章 系统设计 12
3.1商品促销管理系统设计原则及具体功能划分 12
3.2商品促销管理系统配置 13
3.3商品促销管理系统的数据库设计 14
3.4代码设计 18
3.5输入/输出设计 18
3.6界面设计 18
第4章 系统实现 20
4.1商品销售促销信息管理功能的实现 20
第5章 系统测试与结果分析 23
5.1系统功能测试方法概述 23
5.2商品促销管理系统功能测试 23
5.3系统错误处理测试 24
5.4系统安全性分析 25
5.5系统实用性分析 26
结束语 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29
附 录 30 |